Toshiba B-SA4TM SERIES, EO1-33047 owner manual Connecting the Printer to Your Host Computer

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2.5 Connecting the Printer to Your Host Computer

2.5Connecting the Printer to Your Host Computer


When using the USB interface, fix the USB Interface Cable to the printer back with the supplied Cable Clamp and the SMW-3x8 screw.


Cable Clamp

The following paragraphs outline how to connect your host computer to the printer, and will also show how to make cable connections to other devices. Depending on the system configuration you use to print labels, there are 5 possibilities for connecting the printer to your host computer. These are:

A parallel cable connection between the printer’s standard parallel connector and your host computer’s parallel port (LPT).

An Ethernet connection using the standard LAN board.

A USB cable connection between the printer’s standard USB connector and your host computer’s USB port. (Conforming to USB 2.0 Full Speed)

A serial cable connection between the printer’s optional RS-232C serial connector and one of your host computer’s COM ports. <Option>

Wireless LAN using an optional Wireless LAN board. <Option>

For details of each interface, refer to APPENDIX 2.

After connecting the necessary interface cables, set an operating environment of the printer. Refer to Section 2.7.2 Parameter Setting.

The diagram below shows all the possible cable connections to the current version of the printer.

Serial Interface Connector (Option)

Wireless LAN Interface

Board (Option)

Parallel Interface Connector (Centronics)

USB Interface Connector

LAN Interface Connector

Power Inlet


Image 27
Contents SA4TM Series Vorsicht CE Compliance for EU onlySA4TM Series Waste Recycling information for users Safety Summary Precautions Table of Contents Appendix 1 Messages and Leds TroubleshootingPrinter Specifications Supply Specifications Appendix 3 Power CordProduct Overview Introduction FeaturesAccessories IROORZLQJ#FKDSWHUV1# DimensionsAppearance Front View Rear View#Interior Operation PanelOptions Printer Setup Installation Loading the Media Place the Media Holder Ass’y into the printer Media Guide Setting the Feed Gap Sensor position Setting the Black Mark Sensor position Batch mode Press down the Release Bar to open the Strip Unit Label or Thin media Loading the Ribbon Loading the Ribbon # 2SHQ#WKH#5LEERQ#&RYHU1##1276=# Ribbon Cover Top Cover E2-13 Connecting the Printer to Your Host Computer UURU#0HVVDJHV1# Turning the Printer ON## 1276=# WKH#5525#/#+5HG,#LV#7KH#6\VWHP#0RGH#FRQVLVWV#RI#WKH#IROORZLQJ#PHQXV1## $6,&#PRGH1#?8!3$1#02# 7KLV#PHQX#LV#XVHG#WR#VWDUW#WKH#SURJUDP#IRU# Pause SA4T How to Enter the System ModeParameter Setting # OnlineCont Baud Rate „#Serial RS-232C Interface#3DULW\# # ORZ#FRQWURO##$IWHU#PDNLQJ#D#FKRLFH/#SUHVV#WKH#PAUSE#NH\1# „#Serial RS-232C Interface# Data LengthStop Bit ParityFeed „ LCD Message Language# Flow ControlRQWURO,# Restart127=# Parameter Setting Cont„ Web Printer Function when using TCP/IP LAN $IWHU#PDNLQJ#D#FKRLFH/#SUHVV#WKH# PAUSE#NH\1#„ Plug & Play# IP Address Setting TCP/IP 7IP Address 1DIAGPrinter IP Address # Restart NH\=#,QFUHPHQW# # FEED#NH\=#HFUHPHQW## 5DQJH=#3#WR#588# # 127=# Gateway IP AddressSubnet Mask 7KLV#SDUDPHWHU#LV#WR#VHW#D#6XEQHW#0DVN1#XVLQJ#WKH#RESTART RU# Socket PortDhcp 7KLV#SDUDPHWHU#LV#WR#HQDEOH#+&31## HDFK#E\WH#E\#XVLQJ#WKH# Dhcp Client ID7KLV#SDUDPHWHU#LV#WR#VHW#D#+&3#FOLHQW#,1# # +H#FRGH1##Installing the Printer Drivers Installing the Printer Driver Parallel InterfaceELGLUHFWLRQDO#VXSSRUW´#FKHFNER1# 3ULQWHUV´#LV#GLVSOD\HG1# Windows 95/98/MeSULQWHU#VHWWLQJV1# Windows NT4.0+KWWS=22EDUFRGH1WRVKLEDWHF1FR1MS2QJ2LQGH1KWPO,# Windows 2000/XP## Windows 98/Me # USB InterfaceE2-36 E2-37 E2-38 E2-39 +8,# 7KH#³$GG#1HZ#+DUGZDUH#LDUG´#GLDORJ#ER#LV#GLVSOD\HG1# # Windows 2000/XP# # E2-41 Finish#EXWWRQ1# # +7,# &OLFN#RQ#WKH#Yes EXWWRQ#WR#GHOHWH1### Uninstalling the Printer Driver+6,# &OLFN#RQ#WKH#Yes EXWWRQ#WR#GHOHWH1### +7,# &OLFN#RQ#WKH#Yes#EXWWRQ#WR#GHOHWH1#### Adding a LAN Port Windows 95/98/ME Adding/Deleting a LAN Port127# =# Windows NT4.0/2000/XP# Deleting a LAN Port # Windows NT4.0/2000/XPSURSHUWLHV#VHWWLQJV1# Printer Driver Upgrades#LQVWDOOLQJ#WKLV#SULQWHU#GULYHU1# # Others## 2SHQ#WKH#3URSHUWLHV#VFUHHQ#RI#WKH#3ULQWHU#ULYHU1## Using the Printer DriverPrint Test # &RQILUP#WKH#SULQW#WHVW#UHVXOW1#$GMXVWPHQW# # When using an optional Cutter Module or Strip Module # Pause Position and Print Tone Fine Adjustment1RESET 3ADJUST SET Online SA4T7KUHVKROG#LQH#$GMXVWPHQW#+%ODFN#PDUN#VHQVRU,=# HHG#$PRXQW#LQH#$GMXVWPHQW=#XW26WULS#3RVLWLRQ#LQH#$GMXVWPHQW=# 0FRRUGLQDWH#LQH#$GMXVWPHQW=#KHQ#VHWWLQJ#.613#PP## Tone Fine AdjustmentPosition and Print KHQ#VHWWLQJ#.313#PP#LV#VKLIWHG#IRUZDUG1# WR#.8313#PP .#KHQ#VHWWLQJ#±613#PP# KHQ#VHWWLQJ#.613#PP### KHQ#VHWWLQJ#.613#PP## # KHQ#VHWWLQJ#.313#PP#±1#PP1# WR#.1#PP .# $%&#KHQ#VHWWLQJ#.8313#PP# 43#WRQHV.# ±43#WRQHV1#PAUSE#NH\1# ±48#VWHSV1##VWHSV.# Transmissive Threshold SettingPause SA4TOnline #1276=## WKUHVKROG#VHWWLQJ1# 5SENSOR ADJ „ When using the Black Mark Sensor SUH0SULQW#ZLWK#WKH#VHQVRU#E\#PLVWDNH1# „ When using the Feed Gap Sensor#0LGSRLQW# #6159# +8,#7KH#GLVSOD\#FKDQJHV#DV#VKRZQ#RQ#WKH#OHIW1##+8,#7KH#PHVVDJH#UHWXUQV#WR#³?8!61625#$-1´1## # 5SENSOR ADJ 3ADJUST SET„# Manual Threshold Setting# „# Storing a No Media Level Voltage #71391# # XQWLO#WKH#WDUJHW#VHQVRU#W\SH#LV#GLVSOD\HG1##Operation Panel On Line OperationReset OperationUHPDLQLQJ#QXPEHU#RI#PHGLD#WR#EH#SULQWHG1,# Maintenance CleaningPrint Head/Platen/ Sensors PRLVWHQHG#ZLWK#PLOG#GHWHUJHQW#VROXWLRQ1## Print Head/Platen/ Sensors Covers and Panels# 5HPRYH#MDPPHG#PHGLD/#LI#DQ\1# Optional Cutter Module 1.# 2SHQ#WKH#URQW#&RYHU1### 5HPRYH#MDPPHG#PHGLD#RU#EDFNLQJ#SDSHU/#LI#DQ\# # #RESTART#NH\1## TroubleshootingError Messages Restart NH\1#Restart #NH\1# Restart #NH\1## Possible Problems# 7XUQ#RII#DQG#XQSOXJ#WKH#SULQWHU1# Removing Jammed MediaPrinter Specifications 6WDQGDUG#LQWHUIDFH# WHP#$YDLODEOH#IRQW# 5RWDWLRQV#Supply Specifications Detection Area of the Transmissive Sensor Detection Area of the Reflective Sensor Ribbon Care/Handling of Media and Ribbon Appendix 1 Messages and Leds Symbols in the message#PRGXOH1 # DGGUHVV#ZDV#GHFRGHG1# VSHFLILHG#WLPHV1 ## &RPPDQG#HUURU# 7KH#IROORZLQJ#PHVVDJH#DSSHDUV1# 127=#HVFULSWLRQ#RI#&RPPDQG#UURU#DPSOH#4# @#753#*63#/@#18/@# DPSOH#5# @#5#3533/#3633/#3783/#4533/#4/#/@#18/@#Appendix 2 Interface PIN RQQHFWRU=#$FWLYLW\#/# $1#FDEOH=#RQIRUPLQJ#WR#9513#XOO#VSHHG# LQN#/#3URWRFRO=# 6WDUW#ELW=#6WRS#ELW# DWD#OHQJWK=#6WDQGDUG=# 76/#+XQLTXH#HQFU\SWLRQ,##$QWHQQD=# KLS#W\SH/#GLYHUVLW\#DQWHQQD## =# $W#OHDVW/#458#RI#WKH#UDWHG#FXUUHQW#RI#WKH#SURGXFW1# Appendix 3 Power CordWhen purchasing the power cord +$V#RI#6HSWHPEHU#5337,#Appendix 4 Print Samples Appendix 4 Print Samples QWHUOHDYHG#5#RI#8# $145# 326717# #&RGH## # # 566047#45#FRGH# 0DL&RGH#Appendix 5 Glossaries 86%#+8QLYHUVDO#6HULDO#%XV,# GHWDLOHG#LPDJH#WUDQVIHUUHG#RQWR#WKH#PHGLD1# 0HGLD#DQG#ULEERQ#Index 7ZR0GLPHQVLRQDO#FRGH###905# 6WULS#PRGH###50/#04/#$805#Page EO1-33047#