Reference Manual for the NETGEAR ProSafe Dual Band Wireless Access Point WAG302
3.The optional Access Control window lets you block the network access privilege of the specified stations through the WAG302 Access Point. When you enable access control, the access point only accepts connections from clients on the selected access control list. This provides an additional layer of security.
a.Choose the Turn Access Control On to enable Access Control feature.
b.Select the desired Access Control Database options. The options are:
•Local MAC Address Database – The Access Point will use the local MAC address table for Access Control. This is the default.
•RADIUS MAC Address Database – The Access Point will use the MAC address table located on the external Radius server on the LAN for Access Control.
c.Trusted Wireless Stations: This lists any wireless stations you have entered. If you have not entered any wireless stations this list will be empty. To delete an existing entry, select it and then click the "Delete" button.
d.Available Wireless Stations: Select the stations from the wireless station list and click Add button to add to the Trusted Wireless Stations list.
e.Add new Station Manually: Use this to add the MAC address of the wireless stations to the Trusted Wireless Stations list.
Now, only devices on this list will be allowed to wirelessly connect to the WAG302.
How to Configure WEP
To configure WEP data encryption, follow these steps:
1.Log in to the WAG302 using its default address of or at whatever IP address the unit is currently configured Use the default user name of admin and default password of password, or whatever LAN address and password you have set up.
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