Provisioning Access Points
Chapter 2
If the entry does not show up in the AP list, check network connectivity. Go to the AP console and verify if the AP has come up with the IP from the provisioning subnet.
8.After the entry shows up on the page, configure the location, Host IP/Name, Master IP address.
If AP is going to be assigned a static IP, click Use the following IP Address and enter the IP address, Netmask, Gateway IP.
If the AP is going to obtain an IP address using DHCP, click Use IP Address Using DHCP.
9.After configuring the required parameters, select the entry from the list (AP to which the configuration has to be applied) and click Apply.
The State field changes from U (Unprovisioned) to In Progress. to P (Provisioned).
NOTE: Check that the configured parameters are reflected in the AP list entry.
NOTE: Aruba Networks recommends that you provision each AP for a unique location as suggested by
10.Click Back to return to the previous page
We can see that the Subnet is still configured and Port/s are selected.
11.When finished provisioning APs, click Disable to disable AP Provisioning.
NOTE: Disable AP Provisioning after all the required APs are provisioned. Ports that are enabled for provisioning do not handle traffic. Therefore plugging an already provisioned AP into a port still set to provisioning mode will prevent that AP from functioning.
Now the AP is configured with the Parameters given
12.Reboot the AP so the AP will come up with the new configured parameters.
Use the Reprovisioning tab for APs which are already deployed but need to be reconfigured. See the ArubaOS User Guide for information on reprovisioning.
Manual Provisioning
zA console terminal (or workstation with terminal emulation software) with an available serial communications port using a
12 Aruba AP 60/61 | 0500160 |
Installation Guide | December 2005 |