Local Ethernet The Ethernet ports used to connect devices capable of
1 2 3 4 Ethernet connection such as a computer, hub, or switch. The Ethernet
Ports will automatically detect a straight-through or crossover cable.
Basic DI-714 Configuration & Main Page
The DI-714 provides a Web Configuration interface that can be accessed using standard web browsers such as Netscape Communicator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. Since the interface is web based (HTTP), the DI-714 can be configured with any Java and HTML compliant Internet browser in any operating system. This section will discuss the Web Configuration interface and how to use different options and settings.
Although you can change the IP address of the DI-714 to meet your needs, this manual will assume that the defaults are left in place. This means that the IP address of your DI-714 will be If you have changed the IP address scheme, please substitute with the IP address scheme that you have chosen.
Start-up and Log in
In order to configure the DI-714, you must use your web browser and manually input into the Address box and press Enter. The Main Page will appear. The Device Information and Device Status screens can be seen without logging into the DI-714. However, when the Setup Wizard, Basic Setup, Advanced Settings and System Tools buttons are pressed, the log in screen will be shown.