Linksys BEFW11S4 ver. 3 manual Ssid, 117

Page 59

Instant Wireless™ Series

6.When the “Wireless Network Connection Properties” window appears, as in Figure C-8, click the Wireless Networks Tab.

7.If the appropriate wire- less network, specified by the Router’s SSID, is displayed in the “Preferred networks” section, as shown in Figure C-9, double- click it and continue to the next step.

Otherwise, click on the





network, specified


Figure C-8

the Router’s




the “Available networks” section. Then, click the Configure button

Figure C-9

Wireless Access Point Router with 4-Port Switch

8.The “Wireless Network Properties” window (shown in Figure C-10) will appear.

Click the check box for the Data encryption (WEP enabled) option.

Remove the check from the Network Authentication (Shared mode) and The key is provided for me automatically fields.

In the "Network key" field, enter the exact Key (all 10 or 26 digits, depending on the level of encryption) generated by the Router.

Verify that the “Key format” field displays “Hexadecimal digits” and that the “Key length” field displays either “40 bits (10 digits)” or “104 bits (26 digits)”. If this is not displayed, you have entered the key incorrectly.

Figure C-10

Click the OK button to save the settings. Click on OK buttons until you get back to the “Wireless Network Connection Status” window. Close any open windows to get back to the Windows XP desktop.

Close any applications and reboot your PC. After reboot, WEP configuration is complete and you should be able to connect wirelessly to the Router.



Image 59
Contents Instant Wireless Series Wireless Access Point Router with 4-Port SwitchTable of Contents Table des matières Possibilités offertes IntroductionConnecter au routeur Passez à l’étape 2 configuration des PC page suivanteÉtape 1 connexion du routeur Local du routeur. RecommencezVous le demande pas, redémarrez quand même l’ordinateur Étape 2 configuration des PCAu réseau local répertoriée. Double-cliquez WindowsÉtape 3 configuration du routeur Routeur de point d’accès sans fil avec commutateur 4 ports Activer le WEP AideSécuriser votre réseau sans fil Modifier le SsidSi vous avez ce type Procédez comme suit De connexion Instant Wireless Series Figure C-1 Configuration de la sécurité sans filConfiguration de la sécurité sans fil dans Windows XP Figure C-4 Figure C-8 Inhoud 10/100 Workgroup Hubs InleidingStap 1 Sluit de router aan Stap 1 Sluit de router aanElke pc die u wenst aan te sluiten Stap 2 Configureer de pc’sLocal Area Connection Pictogram voor de betreffende Ethernet Stap 3 Configureer de routerHet PPPoE VervolledigVelden Het De naam van uw draadloosActiveer WEP-encryptie RaadpleegtBeveiliging van uw draadloos netwerk Verander de SsidHelp Klik op de Connections-tab in het Internet Options-venster Configuratie van Windows-instellingenDe WAN Link LED licht niet op. Wat moet ik controleren? Configuratie van de draadloze beveiliging Figuur C-2 Figuur C-1Figuur C-5 Figuur C-3Figuur C-4 Figuur C-8 Figuur C-6Figuur C-7 Figuur C-9Figuur C-10 Inhaltsverzeichnis Schritt 3 Konfigurieren des Routers EinführungSchritt 1 Anschließen des Routers Schritt 2 Konfigurieren der PCsPC, den Sie an den Router Schritt 1 Anschließen des RoutersAn, z. B. D\win98 Schritt 2 Konfigurieren der PCsNetzwerk zu öffnen Windows oder nach zusätzlichen DateienDeaktivieren? Starten Sie Ihren Computer neuSsid lautet linksys. Sie sollten Schritt 3 Konfigurieren des RoutersDie Linksys unter PPPoE Führ diese Schritte ausIhren Benutzernamen Ihr Kennwort HilfeVerbindungstyp Führen Sie diese Schritte aus Wie kann ich die Betriebsreichweite des Routers verbessern? Abbildung C-1 Konfigurieren der Wireless-SicherheitAbbildung C-2 Abbildung C-3 Konfigurieren der Wireless-Sicherheit unter Windows XPAbbildung C-7 Abbildung C-4Abbildung C-6 Abbildung C-5Abbildung C-10 Abbildung C-8Abbildung C-9 Copyright & Trademarks But what does all of this mean? Wireless Access Point Router with 4-Port SwitchLAN ports. Repeat this process Proceed to Configure the PCs on the nextConnect the Router Connect an Ethernet cable toIf Windows asks you to restart your PC Configure the PCsCheck Never Dial Up a Connection. E. Click the Apply button 101 Configure the RouterUnique name For Your103 105 Change / activate passwordsActivate WEP Activate MAC-address control listService in Europe, check with your ISP for Click the Apply button to save the settingClick the Apply button to save the settings Enter the Password109 111 Configuring Wireless Security113 Configuring Wireless Security in Windows XP115 117 Ssid119 Copyright 2003 Linksys, All Rights Reserved