Chapter 3. Operation
Selects the data rate for the control port. This should be consistent with all units on a chain and with the modem and/or PC/Proxy Agent serial port.
Choices: 1200, 2400, 9600
Used to initialize the method by which the control port handles alarm conditions.
This setting determines if alarm conditions should automatically send alarm messages (traps) to the controlling PC/Proxy Agent. The setting is for this unit, or for slaves if this unit is a master.
Choices: ENAB - Enable; DISA - Disable
Selects whether the alarm traps (if enabled) are sent directly, or if the telephone number stored in the TSU should be dialed first
Choices: DIRECT or DIAL
This is the telephone number which is dialed to obtain alarm traps. The string can be up to 20 characters in length and is terminated with a semi colon (;) as the last character. A colon
(:) character is used to represent a pause in the dial string.
Example: For number 9:5551212; dial 9, pause, and then send 5551212. This pause could be effected to access an outside line form a PBX, etc.
When editing a specific character, the scroll keys are used to scroll from 0 to 9, then “:” and “;”. The new telephone number is entered into the TSU only upon pressing ENTER after typing the “;”.
Choices: 20 digits
The typed digits are accepted only after pressing ENTER.
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