Chapter 4 | BIOS Setup |
CAUTION To prevent system hangs or failure at extended temperatures, do not change the DRAM Refresh Rate, Fast Precharge, and Bank Interleave values, unless you fully understand the intended results. Changing any of these settings may cause the processor to run slower or fail at extended temperatures for this board. If you change any of these settings and can not recover, use the Oops! Jumper to reset the BIOS to the defaults.
The default values (DRAM Refresh Rate, Fast Precharge, and Bank Interleave) have been chosen for optimal performance and will work with the widest range of memory modules and temperatures.
♦DRAM Bank Interleave – [none], [2], or [4]
♦DRAM Fast Precharge– [off] or [on]
♦DRAM Refresh Rate – [4us], [8us], or [16us]
Power Management and Advanced User Options
•Power Management
♦ACPI – [Disabled] or [Enabled]
If this field is set to [Enabled], the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface API is turned on.
♦APM – [Disabled] or [Enabled]
If this field is set to [Enabled], the Advanced Power Management API is turned on.
•Advanced features
♦Post Memory Manager – [Disabled] or [Enabled]
If this field is set to [Enabled], the Post Memory Manger API is turned on. The Post Memory Manger can be used by BIOS option ROMs to allocate memory for optimal performance.
♦CPU Serial Number – [Disabled]
This field is inoperable since the VIA Eden ESP CPUs do not have a unique internal serial number, which can be accessed by the BIOS or an Operating System/Application.
♦Watchdog Timeout (sec) – [select whole number between 1 and 255 seconds, in 1 second increments] or [Disabled]
If this field is enabled by selecting a time interval (1 to 255 seconds), will direct the watchdog timer to reset the system if it fails to boot the OS properly. Refer to the watchdog timer section in Chapter 3 for more information.
♦Serial Console – [Hot Cable] or [Enabled]
∗The Hot Cable option only allows console redirection when a Hot Cable is actually connected to COM 1 or 2. Use the modified serial cable described in Chapter 3, under Hot (Serial) Cable.
∗The [Enabled] option instructs the BIOS to operate in the console redirection mode at all times with the serial port selected in the Serial Console > Port field listed below. Use a standard
∗However, connecting a Hot Cable to the other port (port not selected) overrides the setting of this field [Enabled] and the Serial Console > Port field.
•Port – [3F8h], [2F8h], [3E8h], or [2E8h]
This field selects the COM (Serial) port address used for console redirection when [Enabled] has been selected in Serial Console. Use a standard
LittleBoard 550 | Reference Manual | 71 |