Sears 16, 153, 514, 090 warranty Easie

Page 57

"_.... Your new ::Sears Word Processing Typewriter: uses--the •most :advanced : electronic

:- _ :"_'_"technologyand greatly increases your:typing efficiency. Some of the many:outstanding • features of your new typewriter are:


50 file; 10,000-character memory

* .The number in brackets refers to



the Sample Letter on the next page.

O 40-character Liquid Crystal Display (LCD: 40 character 2 lines)



100-character printwheel


0Line spacing selector: 1, 1-1/2 and 2 lines

0Pitch selector: 10, 12 and 15 characters per inch

5-year memory back-up battery

0Full-line correction memory

0Full electronic tabulator (16 positions resettable)






Decimal tabulation








0Automatic carrier return

0Automatic word correction


Automatic word/full


:. (4)(6)


Bold typing



0Required hyphen


Required space ..:



Block copy/move/delete

0Spell Corrector

0Caps lock

0Self demonstration (See below)

Hold down the Code Key and press the "D" Key to automatically print out the feature listing as follows:





80 CHARACTER DISPLAY - Allows you to revlew and edit text before


SPELLING CHECK - Automatically checks spelling of 50,000 words

plus checks an additional I00 words that may be specia! to you.

TEXT MEMORY - Allows you to review, edit and recall up to I0,000


*DUAL MARGIN ALIGNMENT - Automatically "blocks" both sides of the typing, just like it is on this page.

*BLOCK oPERATIONS - Allows you to move, copy, delete and insert

entire blocks of text for enhanced editing.

* 3 PITCH SELECTIONS - Allows a much wider variety of type styles.

* OTHER FEATURES INCLUDE - BOLD TYPING, Automatic carrier return,

-Automatic Centering-

Paragraph Indentation, Decimal tabulation, Automatic Underlining2 ' CAPS LOCK and many more.

Image 57
Contents United STATES. This 757481Rules for Safe Operation Easie Bold Typing Required SpaceAutomatic Full Underlining UnderliningTable of Contents Carrier Mechanism under the Top Cover Operating PartsShift Lamp RED Keyboard Layout Key FunctionsIIiq!T HOW to Start Typing Set Up TypewriterSelf Demonstration Insert Paper Turn On Typewriter= Set Typing Controls SP I 1.5=HOW to CHANGE. Ribbon Cassette = Installing Ribbon CassetteRemoving Ribbon Cassette Removing Correction Tape Installing Correction TapeHOW Tochange PrintwheelRemoving Printwheel Store TYPEWRITER--MODESMargins Setting New MarginsAuto Margins Standard Pre-set Margins Typing Beyond MarginsSetting Tabs Using TabsClearing Tabs Ypetypewriter Best¢@r Bes t typewriterBest typewriter Rhe world Phe world Zl World Io Correcting the Last Characters TypedCorrecting Characteri on Another Line Moving the Cursor To be corrected Corrections on LCD DisplayReplacing TojbcorrectedInsert position BesttypewriterrBesttypeiter InsertingDeleting the Last Word Typed on Paper Automatic Word CorrectionThis Is his ypewriter This This is his typewriterDeleting Word on the LCD This is hi typewriter This is our typewriterRoom No PICA/ELITE pitch Character Charactor CheracterForget-me-not Best type Writer Turning On/Off the Spell CorrectorBeep Volume Adjustment Error TypesChicago Chicago jSuggestions for Similar Words Finding Typing Errors on the Current LineErasing Words from the User Dictionary Adding Words to the User DictionaryList of the User Dictionary Decimal Tabulation IllPhrase Automatic CenteringEverything 420Automatic Frogmph Indentation Bold TypingHavea nice day Automatic UnderliningHave a nice day Automatic Word UnderliningRequired Space 11REQUIRED HyphenSECOND-KEYBOARD Special Character SET12345 Storing a Text File File Storing472 Text/lhrase/lato?nHvasei$ormat? 4722Storing a Phrase File Storing a Format File 472Stop Code Entering a Decimal Tab/Auto Center Stop Code Using a Decimal Tab/Auto Center Stop Code DuringFunction Symbols File EditingLhts function allows you edtt storedftl Going to the Beginning or End of a File Moving CursorRchangemargin/tab Lle EdltlngThe display Js clearl an111 Back Code Hanging IndentationEnter file name File Recall Printout on PaperRecalling a Text File Enter numberof lines rRecalling a Format File Recalling a Phrase FileList File ListingEnter file nome File DeletingDlsploy text Position cursor ot Block Operations COPY/MOVE/DELETEDisplay text Move cursor to target positionNewsets with differen Block Delete ASCDEabcde1234 PrintwheelRibbon Cassette Correction TapeService Cleaning060-70530 Sears, Roebuck and Co., Chicago, IL U.S.A SbarsOperation Repair parts Rules for Safe Operation Easie Sample Letter Table of Contents Part Names AND-FUNCTIONS Keyboard Layout Key Functions IIiq!T Basic Operat Turn On Typewriter SP I 1.5 =HOW to CHANGE. Ribbon Cassette HOW to Changeoorrectiontape HOW Tochange TYPEWRITER--MODES Margins Tabs CORRECTIONS.ON Paper Correcting Characteri on Another Line Corrections on LCD Display Insert position Automatic Word Correction Deleting Word on the LCD Spell Corrector Error Types Finding Typing Errors on the Current Line Adding Words to the User Dictionary List of the User Dictionary Ill Automatic Centering Bold Typing Automatic Underlining 11REQUIRED Hyphen SECOND-KEYBOARD Memory Functio Text/lhrase/lato?n Nameoffile ? 472 Typ Stop File Editing Nter chamcter Lle EdltlngThe display Js clearl an File Recall Printout on Paper EoLE File Listing File Deleting Block Operations COPY/MOVE/DELETE Display text Block Delete Supplies Maintenance and Service 060-70530 Sbars
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16, 090, 514, 153 specifications

Sears, an iconic American retailer, has undergone significant transformations and challenges throughout its history. One of its noteworthy products is the model number 153.514090.16, which represents a particular item in the extensive catalog of goods that Sears has offered over the decades.

The model 153.514090.16 is a home appliance, specifically a powerful and efficient space heater designed to provide warmth and comfort in residential settings. Its main features include a robust heating element that ensures rapid heat distribution throughout a room, making it an ideal choice for colder climates or drafty spaces.

One of the standout characteristics of this model is its adjustable thermostat, allowing users to set their desired temperature for optimal comfort. The heater also comes equipped with multiple heat settings, giving users the flexibility to customize the output based on their needs, whether it's a chilly evening or a moderate day.

The 153.514090.16 design emphasizes safety, incorporating features such as an automatic shut-off mechanism that activates when the unit is tipped over or reaches an unsafe temperature. This focus on safety reflects Sears' commitment to providing reliable and secure home appliances to its customers.

In terms of technology, this model incorporates energy-efficient technology that helps reduce electricity consumption while providing effective heating. This modern approach aligns with the increasing consumer demand for environmentally friendly appliances, making it a popular choice among energy-conscious households.

The construction of the 153.514090.16 includes durable materials that are designed to withstand the rigors of daily use while maintaining a sleek and contemporary aesthetic. Its compact size allows for easy placement in various locations, whether it’s a bedroom, living room, or even a workspace.

Sears has a rich history of delivering quality products across a wide range of categories, and model 153.514090.16 is a testament to its legacy of innovation and customer satisfaction. The integration of user-friendly features, safety precautions, and energy-efficient technology makes this space heater a valuable addition to any home.

As consumers continue to seek reliable and efficient heating solutions, the Sears 153.514090.16 stands as an example of the brand’s commitment to meeting the changing needs of its clientele in an ever-evolving marketplace.