Machine Overview
Types of Communications
Memory Send — The job is first scanned into memory, then sent to the remote party. Using this method, multiple jobs can be stored and the machine transmits each job as the line becomes available.
Direct Send — The job is transmitted, page by page, without being stored in memory. Using this method you can observe the transmission procedure, one page at a time.
Speed Dialing — This dialing method allows you to send a job to a programmed destination by entering the 3 digit Speed Dial number.
Alpha Dialing — This dialing method allows you to send a job to a programmed destination by alphabetically searching the phonebooks for the remote name.
One Touch Dialing — This dialing method allows you to send a job to a programmed destination by simply pressing a One Touch key.
Keypad Dialing — This dialing method allows you to initiate a job by dialing the remote number on the numeric keypad.
Delayed Start — The transmission is programmed to be sent at a later designated time. This feature permits cost savings by scheduling transmissions during periods when telephone rates are lower.
Priority Transmission — A priority send transmission is performed prior to any other job reserved in memory.
*Not available in all markets.
WorkCentre Pro 665/685/765/785 |