NIC installation, hot plug 4
Node Address 45
Novell, see NetWare
offline diagnostics 4 offloading
802.1P packet priority for Windows
2000 and Windows XP 5, 31 disabling 31
enabling 31
IP and TCP checksum for Windows 2000 and Windows XP 5, 31
IPSec for Windows 2000 and Windows XP 5, 31
TCP segmentation for Windows 2000 and Windows XP 5, 31
Windows 2000 and XP networking and security tasks 5, 31
configuring for a group of different NICs 32
disabling 31 enabling 31
enabling TCP/IP checksum for NetWare 45
online Help 56 Knowledgebase 56
online technical services 79 OpenView Network Node Manager 7
priority (802.1p) offload 5, 31 receive buffers, NetWare 40
viewing 64, 65 pause frames 7 PC requirements 10
PCI slot, identifying 13 policy (security), creating 34 Preboot Execution Environment (PXE)
specification 4, 6
PXE, see Preboot Execution Environment
received frames, viewing 65 reception flow control 8
red X in Windows Device Manager 57 release notes, accessing 56
remote control 7
Remote Control and Management Protocol, see RMCP
Remote System Alert Manager 7 Remote
multiple NIC Installations 5 overview 5 requirements 5 troubleshooting 59
NIC software 59, 60 requirements
3Com DMI Agent 70 cabling 68 computer 10 driver installation
NetWare 40, 77
Windows 17, 77 hardware and software 10, 16 memory 10
PC 10
RMCP (Remote Control and
Management Protocol) 7
RWU (Remote
safety precautions 9 security policy, creating 34
configuring for NetWare 45 default setting 47
sent frames, viewing 65 SHD_LEVEL 45
Slot Number 45 slots
multiple NICs, NetWare 41 obtaining numbers, NetWare 41
3Com NIC Diagnostics program, installing 26
NetWare drivers, installing 39 removing 59
updating 28
Windows network drivers, installing 17
specifications, NIC 67 speed
(media), setting for NetWare 45 link, viewing 65
Statistics tab 63
statistics, network, viewing 64 support databases, accessing 56 Support tab 63
symmetric flow control 7 system requirements
NetWare 40, 77
Windows 17, 77 Systems Management Server 7
TCP and IP checksum offload 5, 31 TCP segmentation offload 5, 31 TCP/IP checksum offload, enabling for
NetWare 45 technical support
3Com Knowledgebase Web Services 79
3Com URL 79 network suppliers 80
test |
Network 63 |
| |
NIC | 64 |
text files, EtherCD | 75 |
| |
transmission flow control | 8 | ||
troubleshooting |
| |
cable | 58 |
cleaning up a broken installation 57 | |||
error messages | 57 |
| |
LEDs | 56 |
MBA boot ROM | 51 |
| |
network connection | 58 | ||
NIC installation | 57 |
uninstalling, network driver 59 updating
network driver 28
NIC diagnostic program 28 upgrading
Windows 95 to Windows 98 10 Windows 98 to Windows Me 11
URL 79 Utilities tab 63
warning messages, sending to NetWare console 45
driver installation requirements 17, 77
system requirements 17, 77 Windows 2000
duplex, setting 47 installing
driver 19 multiple NICs 28
offload features 5, 31 removing NIC software 59
Windows 95 Build 950 24 installing
driver 24 multiple NICs 28
OSR2 25
removing NIC software 60 upgrading to Windows 98 10
Windows 98 installing
driver 23 multiple NICs 28
removing NIC software 60 upgrading from Windows 95 10 upgrading to Windows Me 11
Windows Me
installing the driver 22 removing NIC software 60 upgrading from Windows 98 11