Terminal Server Configuration Using Autoconnection
This example shows a Digi One/PortServer TS 2/4 functioning as a terminal server implementing autoconnection.
•The terminals are connected to autoconnect ports. Consequently, when a user presses a terminal key, an automatic connection to a host is made.
•The modem ports are not configured for autoconnection, but a port user is, which means that as soon as this particular user supplies a login, an automatic connection to a host is made.
Related Information
For more information on configuring
•The Ethernet interface, see "Configuring the IP Address" on page
•Terminal connections, see "Configuring Ports for Terminals and Computers" on page
•Modem connections, see "Configuring Ports for Modems" on page
Digi Device
set config ip= submask= |
| |
set ports |
| |
set line | baud=9600 |
set flow | ixon=on ixoff=on | (1) |
set ports |
| |
set line | baud=115200 |
set flow | ixon=off ixoff=off rts=on cts=on | (2) |
set user name=user1 autoconnect=on defaultaccess=autoconnect |
| |
autohost= autoport=23 password=off | (3) |
Configuration Notes
1.The first set of set ports, set line and set flow commands configure ports 1 and 2 for terminals, autoconnection, Telnet (dport=23), and software flow control.
2.The second set ports, set line, and set flow commands set up ports 3 and 4 for incoming modem connections and RTS/CTS flow control.
3.The set user command configures the user for automatic connection to the host specified on the autohost field using Telnet (autoport=23).
Configuration Examples |