Installation & User Guide
Card number | up to 10 digits | |
Imprint number | 20 characters – usually the number printed on the card | |
First name | 30 characters maximum | |
Middle name | 30 characters maximum | |
Last name | 30 characters maximum | |
Nickname | 30 characters maximum | |
Initials | 10 characters maximum | |
Employment type | e.g. contractor, visitor, | |
Department | 50 characters e.g. Administration, Sales | |
Job title | 20 characters maximum | |
Access group | 50 characters - which doors the cardholder has access | |
Card type | each card can be a different format or facility code, allowing use | |
| of a variety of existing cards within the same technology | |
Card status | active, lost, stolen, suspended, destroyed, inactive | |
PIN code | from 1 to 6 digits (individual per user) | |
Photo | graphic file e.g. BMP, JPEG, GIF | |
Other Info
Includes a few more details about the cardholder and the employer.
Previous card(s) | previously issued card numbers and reasons for cancellation e.g. |
lost |
Total number of cards | total number of cards issued to this person |
Issue date | records the date the card is entered onto the system |
Employer | |
contractors |
Report to | manager’s name |
Employment date | use drop down calendar or type in date |
Contract duration | enter number of months |
Phone number | 30 characters maximum |
Extension number | 50 characters maximum |
Fax number | 30 characters maximum |
AX200 Installation & User Guide – July 2007 | 5 1 |