Installation & User Guide
12.Click Add. Select the type of reader (with or without PIN) then click next. Enter a suitable name for the door location being added. Then click OK. After a brief period of time the add wizard will be completed. Access point specific settings such as lock times, IN/Out configuration may be set under Access point / Access point. When a new AX100 is added the access point screen will be displayed. Note if two AX100’s are connected to the AX200 after 15 seconds the
Add wizard will appear again for Device two to be added.
13.Close the TCP/IP settings screen and close the device manager screen or access point screen.
14.From the main screen click on the cardholder button and add a card(s) When the cardholder screen is exited the information will be downloaded to the relevant controllers and the door will lock.
15.Power up the next AX200 to be added and repeat steps 6 – 13 until all controllers are configured.
T C P / I P C o n f i g u r a t i o n ( F i x e d I P A d d r e s s )
Refer to this section if the PC does not have a fixed IP address or for additional IP address information.
To specify a fixed IP address
Click the Windows Start button then select setting and select control panel. Double Click on the Network icon. In the components box scroll down to TCP/IP Network card name and click on it. (On Windows XP
the control panel may be displayed directly from the Windows Start button) Click on Properties Button.
Select the IP Address Tab
Ensure that the system is set to specify an IP Address and that a valid IP address is in the IP address box. (Note – most organisations allow fixed IP address ranges, and a suitable IP number is normally obtained from the network administration manager) Enter a valid subnet mask
AX200 Installation & User Guide – July 2007 | 1 0 |