Attaching the Neck Strap
Removal Procedure
1. Pull back the locking bar of the neck strap mounting hook and then release the hook from each ring as shown in the illustration.
2. Following the attachment procedure in reverse way, remove the neck strap rings from each neck strap mounting hook on the Handheld Printer Terminal and then push back the neck strap mounting hooks into each silo.
Attaching the Stylus Holder
The stylus holder provided can be attached to the neck strap as necessary. When attaching the stylus holder, first remove the neck strap from the Handheld Printer Terminal. In addition, remove the stylus from the stylus holder.
Bracket B
Mounting Hook C Bracket A
Attach the stylus holder following the procedure described below.
1.Remove the end of the strap from Bracket A and Bracket B.