Environmental conditions greatly affect the performance of a copier. Be sure to choose your installation location carefully.
Optimum Setting Conditions Temperature: 10 - 35°C (50 - 95°F) Humidity: 15 - 80% RH
Place upon a strong, stable, level base with a flat, even surface. Do not place on a surface that has holes, ruts, cavities or is uneven in any way.
The copier must be level within 3mm (0.11 in.) both front to rear and left to right.
To avoid a possible ozone buildup, be sure to locate this copier in a large well ventilated room with an air turnover of more than 3 times/hr/person.
Locations to Avoid Locations exposed to direct sunlight or strong light (more than 2,000 lux).
Locations directly exposed to cool air from an air conditioner or heated air from a heater. (Sudden temperature changes may cause condensation within the copier.)
Places where the copier might be subjected to frequent strong vibration.
Dusty areas.
Areas exposed to corrosive gases.
Places higher than 2 , 0 0 0 m (6,500 ft.) above sea level.
Copier Location
Place the copier near the wall outlet, providing minimum clearance as shown.
More than 20cm (7.9 in.)
More than 10cm (3.9 in.)
More than 11 cm
More than 30cm (11.8 in.)