Programming Information
Send_Commands (Cont.)
?CTON | Sends the current |
| Set the <Time> value in .10 second increments. |
| Example: |
| Sends the current |
'DC',<IR in>,<IR out> | Sets a direct connection so the <IR out> (IR function) data transmits |
| while the <IR in> code is received. The PUSH and RELEASE for the |
| <IR in> code is not sent to the master. The maximum number of direct |
| connections is 16. |
| Variables: |
| <IR in> = Custom IR function assigned to |
| device |
| <IR out> = IR functions (see theIR Functions (Standard Order) table |
| on page 16) |
| Example: |
| SEND_COMMAND 26,"'DC',145,24" |
| Increases the volume level on the equipment connected to device 26. |
'DE',<Time> | Sets the delay time in .10 second increments for the TV sensor |
| to stabilize before sensing for a status change. |
| Variable: |
| <Time> = |
| Example: |
| SEND_COMMAND 25,"'DE',10" |
| Sets the delay time to 1 second for the |
?DE | Sends the current television power sensor |
| "'DE',<Time>" to the master. |
| Set the <Time> value in .10 second increments. |
| Example: |
| Device 25 sends the current television power sensor delay time to the |
| master. |
DK | Deletes all direct connections set with the 'DC' command. |
POD | Disables current 'PON' (power on) or 'POF' (power off) command set- |
| tings. Channel 255 changes are enabled. |
POF | Sends IR function 28 (if available) or 9 to turn device power off. After |
| three attempts, if the |
| the television controller starts processing stored buffer commands. |
| Then, if another IR function 28 or 9 fails to turn the television's power off, |
| the television controller sends a PUSH and RELEASE to channel 248 |
| and generates a power failure error. If the device is turned on manually, |
| this command turns television power off unless the television controller |
| receives a 'PON' (power on) or 'POD' (disable 'POF') command. |
PON | Sends IR function 27 (if available) or 9 to turn device power on. After |
| three attempts, if the TV sensor |
| the television controller starts processing stored buffer commands. |
| Then, if another IR function 27 or 9 fails to turn the television's power on, |
| the television controller sends a PUSH and RELEASE to channel 248 |
| and generates a power failure error. If the device is turned off manually, |
| this command turns television power on unless the television controller |
| receives a 'POF' (power off) or 'POD' (disable 'PON' command) com- |
| mand. |
18 |