Project Editing
This recorder manages recorded image data (clips) by the unit of “project.” A single project can preserve multiple clips, and so long as the project is not changed, the numerous clips are preserved as a continuous series within the project.
It is possible to include both PAL and NTSC clips within a single project. In order to discriminate the different modes, an [P] or [N] is affixed to the head of list displays containing clips, or projects containing clips, that differ from the currently selected TV system. This display is used only for discriminating the two kinds, however, and is not reflected in the actual file names (during menu creation, etc.).
EDIT section = [Project] = [Record/Name]
[N] project exists on the STATUS section’s [Project] menu
Changing project name on EDIT section = [Project] = [Record/Name] = [Name]
Note 1:
To change project names, connect a keyboard to the
The [Protect] command allows locking of the clips within a project to prevent deletion.
[N]clip exists on the EDIT section’s [Title]
=[Target Clip] = [Edit To (HDD)] menu
The Function Menu’s EDIT section = [Project] = [Record/Name] command can be used to confirm the number of clips, the project size, and the number of titles within the currently selected project. Further, when a keyboard is connected, the EDIT section = [Project] = [Record/Name] = [Name] command can be used to change the name of the currently selected project.
Setting project clips protection on EDIT section
=[Project] = [Record/Name] = [Protect]