The 16:9 and 4:3 pictures represent the incoming source signals received by the HDTV Digital Receiver.
These pictures show the different aspect ratios available with a 16:9 monitor format.
•The top picture shows the 16:9 monitor format available when the HDTV Digital Receiver receives a 16:9 source signal.
•The bottom pictures show the 16:9 monitor formats available when the HDTV Digital Receiver receives a 4:3 source signal.
These pictures show the different aspect ratios available with a 4:3 monitor format.
•The top pictures show the 4:3 monitor formats available when the HDTV Digital Receiver receives a 16:9 source signal.
•The bottom picture shows the 4:3 monitor format available when the HDTV Digital Receiver receives a 4:3 source signal.