Playback Control (PBC)
Version 2.0
The deepest sounds are fed to a bass loudspeaker, the so called "Subwoofer". The subwoofer can be placed in any desired location in the room; the logic for this is that the bass sounds that the subwoofer puts out can scarcely be localized exactely by the human ear
20.2 What are Title and Chapter?
Title is the name given to the largest units of image and sound units on DVDs; on many DVDs the (Main) film has the title number 01. For bonus material (i.e. Film trailer, background information etc.), that is available on many DVDs, other possible title numbers can be used.
Chapter is the name given to the next smaller image and sound units beneath title. If the
Bear in mind that not on all DVDs …
•are the DVD or the title divided into (numbered) chapters
•Chapters are also designated as "Scenes" (i.e. in the main menu of DVDs)
20.3 Dolby Surround
Dolby Surround is an analogue sound format, by which the two channels of a stereo sound signal are used in order to accommodate room sound information for further channels. With a Dolby Surround decoder the signals are again converted into sound and/or music and are fed to two additional loudspeakers, which are to be situated behind the listening area.
Dolby Digital (5.1)
Dolby Digital, also designated as AC3, is a digital sound format, by which up to six seperate audio channels can be transported. With most of the current DVDs, the sound is stored in the so called "Dolby Digital 5.1" format; the "5" in the title "5.1" stands for three front and two rear surround sound channels, the "1" for the bass sound chanel.
DTS is the abbreviation for "Digital Theatre System" and refers to one of the most common surround sound formats for DVDs. As with Dolby Digital 5.1, DTS uses three front and two rear surround sound channels as well as a bass sound channel.
20.4 What are PAL and NTSC?
PAL is the abbreviation for "Phase Alternation Line". PAL is the mid and west Europe (Exception: France, see the heading "SECAM") customary and most wide spread colour television standard.
NTSC is the abbreviation for "National Television System Committee". NTSC is a colour television stan- dard that is primarily used in the USA and Japan.
Dolby Prologic
In comparison to Dolby Surround sound format, with Dolby Prologic an additional channel in the stereo signal is used; this is the so called "Centre" channel. The corresponding centre loudspeaker is to be situated in the middle between the stereo loudspeakers.
20.5 MP3, WMA, JPEG, DivX and MPEG
MP3 denotes a process and/or format developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for the compression of au- dio data. In the MP3 format compressed music pie- ces are only a fraction of their original size, which,
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