7Only the formats with a DLNA certificate (»AAC_ADTS_320«, »LPCM«, »MP3«, »WMABASE« and »WMAFULL«) are supported from among the audio files played from DMS device.
7Only the formats with a DLNA certificate (»JPEG_LRG«, »JPEG_MED« and »JPEG_ SM«) are supported from among the picture files played from DMS device.
6Press »<« to return to the DMS list page.
7 Press »GUIDE« to exit the DLNA function.
Start playback
1In the content of the DMC device select the required folder with »V«, »Λ«, »<« or »>« and confirm with »OK«.
– All titels appears.
2Select the required title with »V«, »Λ«, »<« or »>«.
3Start playback with »8«.
Other playback functions
1Press »!« to pause playback.
2 Press »8« to resume playback.
3Press »5« or »6« repeatedly until the desired file is reached.
4Press »7« to stop playback.
7This playback functions and others you can also select with the function menu:
»TXT« opens/closes playback functions menu;
»8« starts playback; »!« pause playback; »7« stop playback;
»3« and »4« search for a passage;
»« select the repeat function;
»« select the playlist;
»« displaying title informations.
vTuner internet radio
Many radio stations broadcast through the inter- net. vTuner allows you to access many popular radio stations on earth. Thanks to the vTuner function of your television, you can display a list that contains many radio stations, and select and listen to the desired stations based on your tastes.
7Internet connection is required to use vTuner function.
1Open the menu with »MENU«.
2Select »CONNECTED APPS« with »V« or »Λ« and confirm with »OK«. Menu is displayed.
3Select »Internet Radio« with »V« or »Λ« and confirm with »OK«.
– »vTuner« is displayed.
Added Stations
New Stations
Most Popular Stations
4Select category with »V« or »Λ« and display its content with OK«.
–»Select radio station with »V« or »Λ« and press »OK« or »8«.
–Press »7« to end playback.
7Sequence and the names of files and folders in vTuner menu is updated by the vTuner server. Thus, it may vary.
5Press »GUIDE« to exit the vTuner function.