Attaching the Stand/Fixation du socle/Colocación del soporte
2 QQLC‑70TQ15U/LC-60TQ15U
•Long screws
•Vis longues
•Cojín blando
3 |
| • | Soft cushion |
| • | Coussin moelleux |
| • | Cojín blando |
| • Short screws | |
| 2 | • Vis courtes | |
| • Tornillos | 2 | |
| ||
| cortos | |
1 1
•Before attaching (or detaching) the stand, unplug the AC cord.
•Before performing work spread cushioning over the base area to lay the TV on. This will prevent it from being damaged.
•Be sure to follow the instructions. Incorrect installation of the stand may result in the TV falling over.
1Confirm that there are 9 screws (4 long screws, 4 middle screws and 1 short screw) supplied with the stand unit.
2Attach the supporting post for the stand unit onto the base as shown below.
•The supporting post attaches to the base at an offcentered location on the base. Be sure to attach the supporting post in the direction indicated below and attach the stand to the TV with the wider side of the base facing forward.
3Insert the stand into the openings on the rear of the TV.
•Make sure that the stand is fi rmly inserted into the TV. Improper installation may result in tilting of the TV set.
4Insert and tighten the 4 screws into the 4 holes on the rear of the stand unit.
51 Insert the stand cover.
2 Insert the screw to secure the stand cover.
•In the installation procedure, be careful not to catch your fingers between the TV set and the floor.
•Do not remove the stand from the TV unless using an optional wall mount bracket to mount it.
•After attaching the stand to the TV, do not hold the stand when you put up, set up, move or lay down the TV.
•Avant de poser (ou déposer) le socle, débranchez le cordon secteur.
•Avant de procéder aux opérations, étendez un rembourrage sur la surface de travail pour y placer le téléviseur. Ceci lui évitera d'être endommagé.
•Suivez attentivement les instructions. Un montage incorrect du socle peut entraîner la chute du téléviseur.
1Confirm that there are 9 screws (4 long screws, 4 middle screws and 1 short screw) supplied with the stand unit.
2Attach the supporting post for the stand unit onto the base as shown below.
•The supporting post attaches to the base at an offcentered location on the base. Be sure to attach the supporting post in the direction indicated below and attach the stand to the TV with the wider side of the base facing forward.
3Insert the stand into the openings on the rear of the TV.
•Make sure that the stand is fi rmly inserted into the TV. Improper installation may result in tilting of the TV set.
4Insert and tighten the 4 screws into the 4 holes on the rear of the stand unit.
51 Insert the stand cover.
2 Insert the screw to secure the stand cover.
•Lors de l'installation, faites attention de ne pas vous coincer les doigts entre le téléviseur et le sol.
•Ne retirez pas le socle du téléviseur, sauf si vous utilisez l'applique pour montage mural en option pour le monter.
•Après avoir fixé le socle au téléviseur, ne tenez pas le socle lorsque vous posez, installez, déplacez ou fixez le téléviseur.
•Antes de poner (o quitar) el soporte, desenchufe el cable de CA.
•Antes de trabajar con el televisor, extienda un material blando sobre el área donde va a ponerlo. Esto impedirá que se estropee el televisor.
•Asegúrese de seguir las instrucciones. La instalación incorrecta del soporte puede causar la caída del televisor.
1Confirm that there are 9 screws (4 long screws, 4 middle screws and 1 short screw) supplied with the stand unit.
2Attach the supporting post for the stand unit onto the base as shown below.
•The supporting post attaches to the base at an offcentered location on the base. Be sure to attach the supporting post in the direction indicated below and attach the stand to the TV with the wider side of the base facing forward.
3Insert the stand into the openings on the rear of the TV.
•Make sure that the stand is fi rmly inserted into the TV. Improper installation may result in tilting of the TV set.
4Insert and tighten the 4 screws into the 4 holes on the rear of the stand unit.
51 Insert the stand cover.
2 Insert the screw to secure the stand cover.
•Durante el procedimiento de instalación, asegúrese de que sus dedos no queden atrapados entre el televisor y el suelo.
•No quite el soporte del televisor a menos que utilice una ménsula de montaje en pared opcional para montarlo.
•Tras instalar el soporte al televisor, no sujete el soporte cuando cuelgue, monte, mueva o coloque el televisor.