4.Click Enable All to activate all exceptions. Check marks will appear in the Enable column of all 16 exceptions.
5.Click Disable All to disable all exceptions. Any checkmarked exceptions have their check marks removed.
6.Click the Enable check box to individually activate or deactivate particular exceptions.
7.Under Exception Name, enter a name or description for the exception (up to 20 characters).
8.Under Transaction Item, enter a text string of up to 20 characters (for example, Register 1). This string can appear anywhere in the transaction. If left blank or the string appears anywhere in the transaction, the transaction item is considered found.
9.In the Line Item fields, enter a text string of up to 20 characters (for example, Cigarettes in the first, and Marlboro in the second). Both Line Items and their values must be satisfied on an individual line with a transaction for an exception to occur. The DVR will search for this entry anywhere in the transaction. (NOTE: ATM transactions do not usually contain line items. The program may display a “No data found” error message if searching ATM transactions using line item.) If a Line Item field is left blank, it is considered found or satisfied.
10.Use the
Selection | Meaning |
None | Value to the right is not used and is disabled. |
GT> | Trigger exception only if the value found on the line is greater than the value |
| entered in the Value field. |
LT< | Trigger exception only if the value found on the line is less than the value |
| entered in the Value field. |
EQ= | Trigger exception only if the value found on the line is equal to the value |
| entered in the Value field. |
NE | Trigger exception only if the value found on the line is not equal to the value |
| entered in the Value field. |
11.Under Value, enter the value (9999.99 maximum) to be used with the modifier (above) to trigger an exception. You can use a period to separate dollars and cents but do not use a comma between thousands and hundreds.
12.Click Save to save the values, Cancel to abandon.
Pelco Manual | 63 |