Subfunction Code | Transmitter Device Status |
12 | Return Bus Communication Error Count |
13 | Return Bus Exception Error Count |
14 | Return Slave Message Count |
15 | Return Slave No Response Count |
16 | Return Slave NAK Count |
17 | Return Slave Busy Count |
18 | Return Bus Character Overrun Count |
19+ | NOT USED |
Note that identical information is returned for any device ID that the Base Radio has control of (i.e. including Transmitters mapped to virtual device IDs when operating in the device ID mapping mode (See Section 6.2).
6.3.3 Command 11- Get Com Event Counter
This command returns a
For further details on this command, please consult the Modbus protocol specification.
6.3.4 Command 12- Get Com Event Log
This command returns a status word, communications event counter, message count, and a field of bytes from the communications event log. The status word and communications event counter are identical to those returned by Command 11 (Get Com Event Counter) above. The message count is a count of the total number of messages received by this device, including messages intended specifically for this device as well as other devices on the Modbus network. The event log keeps track of information on the last 7 communications events. Note that identical information is returned for any device ID that the Base Radio is controlling (including Transmitters mapped to virtual device IDs when operating in the device ID mapping mode).
For further details on this command, please consult the Modbus protocol specification.
6.3.5 Command 17- Report Slave ID
This command returns the device type, device status, and a run indicator status byte. The
For further details on this command, please consult the Modbus protocol specification.