Dolby® Digital 5.1
The recommended audio format for HDTV is Dolby® Digital 5.1.
This format offers five discrete channels of mid- and
5.1channel signal. The audio signals are broken into
Not all TV programs are broadcast using Dolby Digital 5.1. For DIRECTV programming, shows broadcast using this
If you are using the Digital Audio Output (Optical, Coax or HDMI) from your DIRECTV HD Receiver to a digital audio (A/V) receiver or TV, you can set your preference by going here:
1)While in Live TV press MENU.
2)From the Quick Menu, SELECT Settings.
3)Scroll down to Setup and press SELECT.
4)Scroll down to Audio, and press SELECT.
5)Scroll up to the tabs and scroll over to Digital Audio and press SELECT.
6)Scroll to Dolby Digital and SELECT On or Off. If you set this to “Off”, then the audio on the Digital Outputs will always be in PCM (L/R Stereo).
7)If you set the Dolby Digital to “On”, then you should also setup the Digital Output.
8)Scroll to Digital Output and presse SELECT:
—Dolby Digital: if you want programs to be heard in Dolby Digital when available
—PCM if you want programs (with and without Dolby Digital) to be heard in L/R stereo only.