Icon Reference
Those Arrow thingies
Indicate that a show’s start or end time is earlier or later than is visible in the Guide program cell.
LEFT and RIGHT arrows on the remote offer special functionality. Objects are scrollable above or below the visible window.
UP and DOWN arrows on the receiver front panel offer special functionality.
Scheduler stuff
Shows an Autotune has been set for a future program, or a present program is Autotuned.
Indicates an Autotune has been set for all episodes of an ongoing program.
Indicates an Autotune set for a present or future program conflicts with another scheduled program.
Shows an Autotune has been set for matching programs in a “Find by.”
Indicates a present or future pay per view program has been scheduled for purchase.
And the rest
Denotes one or more alternate audio tracks available for a program.
Denotes that no alternate audio tracks available.
Indicates one or more new messages are in the Inbox.
Indicates no new messages are in the Inbox.
Shows that Parental Control limits are currently “locked.”
Shows that limits are temporarily unlocked.
Shows that there are no current limits imposed.
Indicates a rating level or channel that is blocked via Parental Controls.
Indicates a pay per view program is available as an All Day Ticket replay.
Indicates program shown in letterbox format.
Denotes an error condition has occurred.
Indicates current program is a high definition broadcast (HDTV). Dolby Digital Denotes a program includes Dolby Digital audio.