Other Information
Turns off while playing
4Electronic protection circuit may have been activated because of a power surge. Wait 30 seconds, then turn on again.
4Unplug DIRECTV HD Receiver for a few minutes, then plug back in. If this happens frequently, the voltage in your house may be abnormally high or low.
4Consider using a surge protector or line conditioner.
4If your TV turns off while playing, and other lights/appliances in your house do too, you may have blown a circuit breaker or be experiencing a power outage.
4Consult an electrician if the problem is frequent or severe, especially if other household appliances or electronics are affected.
DIRECTV HD Receiver turns on or changes channels unexpectedly
An autotune may have been activated. See page 45.
Top and bottom of program image is cut off
If you connect your TV to one of the composite video out jacks (Video Out,
The message “(Due to) Copyright restrictions…” appears on-screen
This means that the program you’re trying to watch may not be viewable on some outputs. Use a different connection from the DIRECTV HD Receiver to your TV (see page 28 for details).