Furuno GP-1650F, GP-1650DF Entering Routes, Entering routes through the route list, Abcdef

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Often a trip from one place to another involves several course changes, requiring a series of route points (waypoints) which you navi- gate to, one after another. The sequence of waypoints leading to the ultimate destination is called a route. Your unit can automatically advance to the next waypoint on a route, so you do not have to change the destination waypoint repeatedly.

You can store up to 200 routes. A route may consist of 35 points.

7.1Entering Routes

Entering routes through the route list

This method constructs routes using exist- ing waypoints.

1.Press the [WPT/RTE] key to open the waypoint & route menu.

2.Press the soft key ROUTES to open the route menu.






25.6 nm














56.7 nm















21.1 nm






15:21 01OCT97

















4.7 nm


16:45 01OCT97












Figure 7-1 Route menu

3.Press the soft key NEW ROUTE to open the new route entry screen.






0 0 1






















Figure 7-2 New route entry screen

4.If desired you can change the route name shown and/or add a comment. To change route name, press the [CLEAR] key to clear the route name. Use the cursor pad to locate the cursor and then press ap- propriate alphanumeric key. To enter a comment, place the cursor in the COM- MENT window. Use the cursor pad and alphanumeric keys to enter your com- ment. A route name may consist of six characters; comment, 13 characters.

5.Press the soft key LOCAL LIST or ALPH LIST to open the waypoint list.

6.Press or to select a waypoint, and press the soft key ADD WPT to add it to the route.

7.Repeat step 6 to complete the route.

When you want to clear a waypoint se- lected, press the soft key ERASE LST WP. Each pressing of this key deletes the last waypoint entered.

8.Press the soft key SAVE to register the route.


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Contents Color DGPS/PLOTTER/SOUNDER Color GPS/PLOTTER/SOUNDER 199 Do not open the equipment About the TFT LCDDo not disassemble or modify the equipment Do not operate the equipment with wet handsTable of Contents Sounder Setup Options SpecificationsDeclaration of Conformity IiiForeword FeaturesWord to GP-1650DF/1650F Owners Display Unit System ConfigurationThis page is intentionally left blank Display Unit Controls Operational OverviewTurning the Power On/Off Inserting Mini Chart CardTurning the power off Display abbreviationsPlotter Displays Adjusting Tone and BrillianceSelecting a display Menu Operation, Soft Keys Sounder DisplaysPlotter/Sounder Display Normal Sounder DisplayDemonstration Display 10 Demo setting screenThis page is intentionally left blank Principle of Operation Video Sounder OperationNormal sounder display indications, markers Sounder Display DescriptionKHz picture Bottom-zoom display Selecting sounder display modeMarker zoom display Bottom-lock displayDual-frequency Display Plotter/Sounder DisplayScope display EnterManual Sounder Operation Automatic Sounder OperationMeasuring Depth Adjusting the gainSelecting display range Range shiftingSuppressing Low Level Noise Suppressing InterferenceWhite Marker Erasing Weak EchoesSelecting Background and Echo Colors Selecting Picture Advance SpeedBackground and echo colors Alarms Zero line Interpreting the DisplayFish school echoes Bottom echo34 Surface noise/aeration Surface noise/AerationPresentation Modes Plotter DisplaysNorth-up Course-upMini Chart Cards Selecting Chart Scale/RangeCursor Shifting the DisplayRemarks on chart display Indices and chart enlargementChart symbols Furuno mini chart cardComparison of Furuno and Nav-Charts chart cards Port service icons Nav-Charts cardsAid to navigation data Enlarging an indication Navigation Data DisplayGPS satellite monitor display Steering Display How to read the compass displayBeacon information display Setting the range of the XTE scale How to read the XTE scaleHighway Display Fifure 3-16 Display setup1 menu Changing Operation ModeNavigation Trip Distance FishingDisplaying Track TrackTracking Changing Track Color Stopping/Restarting Plotting of TrackTrack Plotting Method, Interval Track plotting methodTrack plotting interval Changing Track Memory CapacityTrack Memory Erasing All Track Entering Marks MarkPlotter display Video sounder display Changing Mark AttributesVideo sounder display Tions Changing Mark SizeSmall Displaying Track and Mark Points Erasing MarksErasing individual marks/lines Erasing whole marks/linesEntering Waypoints WaypointsEntering waypoints at own ship’s position Entering waypoints at MOB positionChanging the shape and color of waypoint mark Waypoint menuEntering waypoints by range and bearing Changing waypoint name, comment, proximity alarm radiusEntering waypoints by latitude and longitude position Changing waypoint positionChanging Waypoint Data Erasing Individual WaypointsErasing waypoints through the waypoint list Erasing waypoints by the cursorChanging Waypoint Position on the Plotter Display Waypoint Mark SizeSearching Waypoints This page is intentionally left blank Entering Routes RoutesEntering routes through the route list AbcdefInserting, Removing Waypoints Connecting RoutesEntering routes by the cursor Inserting waypoints through the route listRemoving waypoints from routes Inserting waypoints on the plotter displayAlph List WPTRemoving route waypoints from the plotter display Creating Track-based RoutesSave icon appearance On the plotter display Erasing RoutesThis page is intentionally left blank Navigating to Quick Points NavigationSelecting quick point entry method Navigating to a single quick pointNavigating to Waypoints waypoint list Navigating to Ports, Port ServicesNavigate route waypoints in reverse order Following a RouteNavigate directly to a route waypoint Navigate along specific leg of routeSwitching waypoints Setting speed for ETA calculationRestarting navigation Cancelling Navigation This page is intentionally left blank Audio Alarm On/Off Plotter AlarmsArrival Alarm IntroductionXTE Cross Track Error Alarm Anchor Watch AlarmProximity Alarm Speed AlarmAlarm messages Alarm InformationAlarm messages and their meanings Formatting Memory Cards Saving Data to Memory Card10-1 Saving dataLoading Data from Memory Card Error message10-2 Data overwrite10-3 ConfigurationTrack Waypoint/routeThis page is intentionally left blank Chart Offset menu Chart Setup Options menuCustomizing Your Unit 11-1Chart details menu description Chart Details menuDisplay Options menu 11-211-3 Display setup1 menu description11-4 Display SETUP2 menu description11.3 GPS/DGPS/TD Options menu GPS Setup Options menu description11-5 Dgps Setup Options Dgps Setup Options menu11-6 TD Setup TD Setup menu11-7 Displaying Loran C TDsSounder Setup Options menu description Sounder Setup Options menuRange Setup soft key 11-8System Setup menu description System Setup soft key11-9 Echo Offset 200kHz, Echo Offset 50kHzSetup Nmea Port 1 menu description Configuration menuSetup NMEA/DGPS Port 2 menu description 11-10UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD Data menu 11-11XON/XOFF Download waypoint/route to PC22 Connection of GP-1650DF/GP-1650F to PC 11-12System menu 11-13System Menu description This page is intentionally left blank Using C-MAP NT Model Example of caution area window 12-2Objects window 12-313 Plotter display 12-4Setting Chart Setup Options 20 Depth Info display 12-621 Memory, I/O test results 12-7This page is intentionally left blank Maintenance Maintenance & TroubleshootingRecommended maintenance program 13-1Simple Troubleshooting Replacement of Fuse, BatterySimple troubleshooting plotter 13-2Simple troubleshooting sounder Error MessagesError messages 13-313-4 Diagnostic TestsMemory, I/O port test TestKeyboard test 13-5Display test 13-6 Clearing MemoriesMenu Tree Furuno chartSounder Setup Options Audio Alarm ON, OFF Loran C Chains Decca Chains World Time Geodetic Chart List GPS Receiver GeneralDisplay Section PlotterCoating Color Index-1 IndexIndex-2 Index-3