GE VG4275 manual VCRPlus+SystemRecording, PressMENUto enterthe VCRPlusCodesystem number

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Enter PtusCode Number

(from TV l - isting)

Press 14ENUto canceI

3 . Enterthe PlusCode@programmingnumbershown t n your localtelevisionguide .


Enter PtusCode Number

(f rom TV Listing)


Press cLEAR to correct

Press MENU when done

4 . PressMENUto enterthe VCRPlusCodesystem number .

Hou of ten shoul,d this

program record?

2 Daity (every day)

3 tleekdays (M - F)

4 Weekty (once per week)

0 cance L

5 . lndicatehow often you want the programto be recorded.

Program 1 (0ne time)

Channel . 03 Cabl - e start Time 08:00 Ptil

End T i me 09: 30 PM start Date 11 /16/OO Thu Tape Speed SLP

Press CLEAR to correct

Press MENU to save

6 . Changethe recordingspeedwith the SPEEDbuttonon the remoteor the programend time with the CLEAR button on the remote(if necessary).

Changingthe end time comes in handywhen you are recordinga program,suchas a sportingevent,that may exceedthe scheduledbroadcasttime.

7 . PressMENUto savethe Program .

PlusCodeis a registercdtrademarkof the GemstarDevelopmentCorporation

TheVCBPtus+svstemis manufacturedunderthe licensefrom GemstarDevelopmentCorporation.


Clock must be set correctly.

Insert a tape with the safety tab in placeand enough taPe to recordthe program.

The Timer indicator (TlMERlappears in the displaywhen you turn off the VCRand a timer recording has been set. lt flashesif there is no tape in the VCR.

PROGRAMSOVERLAPappearsif You have entered two programs where the times overlap.

UNRECOGNIZEDNUMBER...PLEASE RE-ENTERappearswhen the VCR does not recognizethe PlusCode programming system number.

Timer recordingswill not be lost in the event of an extendedPower outage.

Program t has been saved

Remember to insent a

recordabIe tape and turn the VCR of f before

the program start time'

Remember to Leave You r cabte box on and tuned

to the desired channeI

When a program is setto record, insert a recordable tape and tun off the power. "TIMER'is displayed on the VCRfront Danel when this is done correctlY-


Image 33
Contents Page Thissymbolindicates ImportantinstructionsAccompanyingthe product VCRPlus+SystemChannels Timeand Date Auto ClockSet Feature Settingthe TimeZoneRFJacksand CoaxialCablesF type What Remains? Welcometo your new VCRStep l Whatsfn the Box? Install BatteriesConnect the VCR Plug in the VCRUse the QuickSet Guide for Initial Setup Tune the TVVCRViewing Channel Press8 to displaythe LANGUAGEmenu ManeuveringMenusAdditional Setup Features Language Selection Using Menus to Set Up FeaturesLs Something Missing? Press8 to selectthe LANGUAGEmenuCable Box Setup Choosingthe RightSetupfor YourCableBoxPress4 to displaythe CHANNELSmenu VCR Channels List Auto Channel SearchPress1 to displaytheAUTOCHANNELSEARCHmenu Followthe on-screeninstructionsto finishthis set up Changing the Signal TypeAdding or Remooirg Channels Auto ChannelSearchSetting the Time Zone Time and DateSelectingChannels Setting Time and Date Manually Setting Daylight-Saving TimeAuto Clock Information Press1 to displaythe Settimeand DATEmenu Spring Forward Fall BackPress4 to displaythe VCRPlus+ChannelListscreen VCRPlus+SystemChannel ListO33 VCR Plus+ SystemWorksheetNow you are readyto selectan itemfrom the menuto set up Additional Set-Up Features in the PREFERENCESMenuRemote Vcri /VCRZ Option RemoteControlOptionAuto Plav Auto TV/VCRAuto Play Front Panel Brightness VCR Display EnergySaverPreferred Tape Speed Set Auto RepeatAuto Repeat VcR Basics Learn the BasicsTo Get You StartedRemote Buttons Component ButtonsVCR Function Buttons TV Buttons TV Function ButtonsPlaying a Tape PauseAutomaticTracking Automatic Rewind Tape EjectCheck the Safetv Tab Page SeveralRecording Options RECoRDINGAudio Only Recording Copyingand EditingTapes Recordirg Features Express Recording XPRExpressRecording Timer RecordingInformation Timer RecordingPress1 to display the VCRPlus+system menu Timer Recording with VCR Plus+ SystemVCRPlus+SystemRecording PressMENUto enterthe VCRPlusCodesystem numberLndicatehow often you want the programto be recorded Recording Broadcast Stereo TV or SAP SecondAudio Program Stopping a Timer RecordingReviewing and Clearing Programs Press2 to displaythe ReviewExistingProgs.screenRecording Audio Only PressRECORDto startrecording PressSTOPwhen you are finishedPlaying Back Audio Orly Ruq569liu6Using Two VCRs For Copying Editing Tapes ConnectingTwo VGRsEoR+ Control Your Television About Program*irg the Remote Programming the Remote to Control a TVOperating the TV NEC TV CodesPage OrHER FEATUREs Featuresto Enhance VCR OperationSlow Motion Picture Search OptionsZero Search Index SearchTracking Pro-Tect Plus Locking FeatureCommercial Scan Search Button LockingYourVCRBe set beforethey can be displayed On-ScreenDisplaysSelectan item from the menu to set up Audio Setup FeaturesReception Press7 to displayAUDIOmenuTape Playback Page Things to Know Before Connecting Components Protect Your Components from Power SurgesCoNNECTIoNS Jacks and Cables Connecting Your VCRRFJacks and Coaxial Cables F-type Audio/Video Jacks and Cables RCA-typeDontForget About the Auto TV/VCR Feature Choosing a VCR ConnectionAdvantages of Audio/Video Connections Using This Connection Auto Tvivcr SettingTV with Audio/Video Jacks Set the Auto TVA/CRfeatureto OFF Detailed Help Information Front Panel Za=@ @,@,@@ Display Panel TimerFfi4 6,*6,*6 to Back PanelO o @ t r How to Find Your TVsVideo Input ChannelOO uO . O Video lnput Channel VariationsTroubleshooting Tips VCR Page Page Cleaning the VCR SpecificationsLimited Warranty Page GOBACKbutton 22 MENUbutton 9, 11,12,13,15,17,22, 29,30,31 MUTEbutton 24Numberbuttons 6, 14, 23 Page Warranty63 Warranty,limited XPRexpressrecordind ZA Zerosearch41Adapter Page Page Il7r!rthatthis Rrademarks@Registered