Using Two VCRs For Copying and
Editing Tapes
Use one VCRas the playbackVCRand the other as the recording VCR.
1 . Connectthe VCRsusingthe diagramat the right .
2. Turn on both VCRsand the connectedTV.
3 . Tunethe TV to the VCRviewingchannel(either3, 4, or video line input- see "How to FindYourTV'sVideo InputChannel"in the Referencessectionof this manualfor more information) .
4 . lf usingcoaxialcablesfor the connection,tune the recordingVCRto channel3 or
lf usingaudio/videocables,selectthe line input on the recordingVCR(L1for the jackson the backof the VCR or L2 for the jackson the front of the VCR).
5.lnsertthe tape to be copied into the playback VCR. Inserta blanktape with its safetytab in placeinto the recording VCR.
6 . Usingvisualsearch,locatethe segmentto be copied on the playbackVCB.Pausethe tape at this location.
7.PressRECORDon the recording VCR,then PAUSE.
8. PressPAUSEon both VCRsto begincopying .
9. PressPAUSEon both VCRsto stop copying.
ConnectingTwo VGRs
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The VCRsused in this diagram may not match the two VCBsyou use. Make sure to connect OUT to lN jacks and
Also, make sure to match up the types of jacks (Rjacks are connected to R jacks, L to L, and VIDEOto VIDEO).