Picture Search Options
Themostbasicwayto searchduringplaybackis usingthe FORWARDor REVERSEbuttonon the remotecontrolThis. sectioncontainsseveralotheroptionsavailablefor searchingtape .
Forward and Reverse Search
Youcan searcha tape during playbackSound. is turnedoff during picturesearch.Searchworks well for tapes recordedat the SP or SLPspeed .
1. PressFORWARDto searchforward or REVERSEto searchin reverse.
2. PressFORWARDor REVERSEagainor pressPLAYto returnto normal playback.
Slow Motion
Youcan view a tape during play or play - pauseusingslow motion .Slow motion works well for tapesrecordedat the SP or SLPspeed .
1 . Duringplayback,pressPAUSEand then FORWARDor REVERSEto begin
2. PressFORWARDto increaseor REVERSEto decrease the speedof the search .
3. UseTRACKINGup or down to removeany streaks from the picture .
5. PressPLAYto returnto normal playback.The VCR switchesautomaticallyfrom slow - motionplaybackto stop aftera few minutes.
Frame Advance
Frameadvanceletsyou view recordedactionone frame
afteranotherduring playbackFrame. advanceworkswell for tapes recordedat the SP or SLPspeed.
. PressingPAUSE"freezes"the action
. PressingF . ADVrepeatedlyletsyou view singleframes of the action
. PressingPAUSEor PLAYreturnsnormal playback