GE VG4275 About Program*irg the Remote, Programming the Remote to Control a TV, Operating the TV

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About Program*irg the Remote

The remotecan be programmedto control other brandsof remotecontrollableTVs .lt is alreadyprogrammedto operatemost GE,RCA,and PROSCANtelevisions .

Programming the Remote to

Control a TV

lf the TV does not turn on when you pressthe TV button, the remoteneedsto be programmed .

Followthesestepsto programthe remoteto controlyour particularTV:

1. Turn on the TV.

2 . Findyour TV brandand code number(s)on the code liston the next page .

3 . Pressand hold the TV buttonon the remote .

4. Enterthe code from the code list.

5 . ReleaseTV and then pressCHANup or down . lf the TV respondsto the remotecommands,the remoteis programmed .

6 . lf the TV does not respond,repeatthesestepsusing the next code listedfor your TV'sbrand.

Operating the TV

After you set up the remote,seewhich buttonsoperate your TV.

1. Pointthe remoteat the TV and pressthe TV button.

lf the TV does not turn on, pressthe TV button and then pressthe ON . OFFbutton .

2 . You may want to experimentto seewhich buttons operateyour TV.Try pressingbuttons,such as VOL and MUTE .See "TV FunctionButtons"in the VCF

BasicsSectionfor details.This remote may not operateall models of the brandsthat are shown.

Note the differencebetween the TV and VCR on-screendisplaysto see which one the remote is operating.


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Contents Page Accompanyingthe product ThissymbolindicatesImportantinstructions Timeand Date Auto ClockSet Feature Settingthe TimeZone VCRPlus+SystemChannelsRFJacksand CoaxialCablesF type Welcometo your new VCR What Remains?Connect the VCR Install BatteriesStep l Whatsfn the Box? Plug in the VCRVCRViewing Channel Use the QuickSet Guide for Initial SetupTune the TV ManeuveringMenus Press8 to displaythe LANGUAGEmenuAdditional Setup Features Ls Something Missing? Using Menus to Set Up FeaturesLanguage Selection Press8 to selectthe LANGUAGEmenuPress4 to displaythe CHANNELSmenu Cable Box SetupChoosingthe RightSetupfor YourCableBox Press1 to displaytheAUTOCHANNELSEARCHmenu VCR Channels ListAuto Channel Search Adding or Remooirg Channels Changing the Signal TypeFollowthe on-screeninstructionsto finishthis set up Auto ChannelSearchSelectingChannels Setting the Time ZoneTime and Date Auto Clock Information Setting Time and Date ManuallySetting Daylight-Saving Time Spring Forward Fall Back Press1 to displaythe Settimeand DATEmenuVCRPlus+SystemChannel List Press4 to displaythe VCRPlus+ChannelListscreenVCR Plus+ SystemWorksheet O33Remote Vcri /VCRZ Option Additional Set-Up Features in the PREFERENCESMenuNow you are readyto selectan itemfrom the menuto set up RemoteControlOptionAuto Play Auto PlavAuto TV/VCR Preferred Tape Speed EnergySaverFront Panel Brightness VCR Display Set Auto RepeatAuto Repeat Learn the BasicsTo Get You Started VcR BasicsVCR Function Buttons Remote ButtonsComponent Buttons TV Function Buttons TV ButtonsAutomaticTracking Playing a TapePause Check the Safetv Tab Automatic RewindTape Eject Page Audio Only Recording Copyingand EditingTapes SeveralRecording OptionsRECoRDING ExpressRecording Recordirg FeaturesExpress Recording XPR Timer Recording Timer RecordingInformationTimer Recording with VCR Plus+ System Press1 to display the VCRPlus+system menuLndicatehow often you want the programto be recorded VCRPlus+SystemRecordingPressMENUto enterthe VCRPlusCodesystem number Reviewing and Clearing Programs Stopping a Timer RecordingRecording Broadcast Stereo TV or SAP SecondAudio Program Press2 to displaythe ReviewExistingProgs.screenPlaying Back Audio Orly PressRECORDto startrecording PressSTOPwhen you are finishedRecording Audio Only Ruq569liu6EoR+ Using Two VCRs For Copying Editing TapesConnectingTwo VGRs Control Your Television Operating the TV About Program*irg the RemoteProgramming the Remote to Control a TV TV Codes NECPage Featuresto Enhance VCR Operation OrHER FEATUREsPicture Search Options Slow MotionIndex Search Zero SearchCommercial Scan Search Button Pro-Tect Plus Locking FeatureTracking LockingYourVCROn-ScreenDisplays Be set beforethey can be displayedReception Audio Setup FeaturesSelectan item from the menu to set up Press7 to displayAUDIOmenuTape Playback Page CoNNECTIoNS Things to Know Before Connecting ComponentsProtect Your Components from Power Surges RFJacks and Coaxial Cables F-type Connecting Your VCRJacks and Cables Audio/Video Jacks and Cables RCA-typeAdvantages of Audio/Video Connections DontForget About the Auto TV/VCR FeatureChoosing a VCR Connection Auto Tvivcr Setting Using This ConnectionTV with Audio/Video Jacks Set the Auto TVA/CRfeatureto OFF Detailed Help Information @ @,@,@@ Front PanelZa= Timer Display PanelBack Panel Ffi4 6,*6,*6 toOO uO . O How to Find Your TVsVideo Input ChannelO o @ t r Video lnput Channel VariationsTroubleshooting Tips VCR Page Page Specifications Cleaning the VCRLimited Warranty Page Numberbuttons 6, 14, 23 GOBACKbutton 22MENUbutton 9, 11,12,13,15,17,22, 29,30,31 MUTEbutton 24 Page Adapter Warranty63 Warranty,limited XPRexpressrecordind ZAZerosearch41 Page Page Rrademarks@Registered Il7r!rthatthis