HELIX DN9340E/DN9344E Remote Control Software
User Guide
7.7Solo Tracking Operation
If required, the Solo Tracking system of the Midas mixing console in use can be set up to select the slave equalisers in the Helix Network. To enable this, the various Solo Tracking buttons must be assigned to Helix channels via the System Solo Tracking Setup screen (shown below) and the settings downloaded to a DN9340 Helix unit that is currently connected to the console Solo Tracking output (the DN9344 does not have a Solo Tracking input).
To open the System Solo Tracking Setup screen
Switch to the FastNav® screen and choose Solo Tracking .
This field defaults to the
Master Unit set in the
Function Lockout screen
List of console Solos buttons assigned to the EQ channels
Name changes will be copied to Device screens
Solo selections change to match Console Type
Clear all the current assignments
The screen contains a scrollable list similar to the Solo Tracking System Configuration page of the DN9340E Helix unit, showing the 32 HELIX equaliser channels and their currently assigned solos. Assignments are made via the fields in the Solo Tracking Setup panel at the
To assign solo sources to HELIX channels
1Specify the console to be used for the performance in the Console Type field in the top
2Highlight the HELIX channel in the list and choose the required Solo Source from the drop down list on the
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