•Remote control configuration: 39 (default factory setting) or 38 (alternative setting). Carefully follow the instructions displayed
remote control as described in paragraph 11.2.
2Press OK once you have changed your remote control setting.
10.3.2 Language options
This screen is used to set language options according to your preferences.
1Select values for the following:
•Audio Language: select your audio language
•Subtitles: select On, If audio not available, Hard of hearing for special subtitles for deaf or Hard of Hearing viewers, or Off to disable subtitles.
•Subtitles Language: select subtitles language.
2Press OK confirm.
10.4 For Parents
This screen is used to enable Parental Lock and change your receiver password.
The password is a
To enable Parental Lock:
-Select Yes to enable Parental Lock.
-Alternatively, select No to disable Parental Lock. Additionally, you may modify your receiver password from this screen.
To modify your receiver password:
1Press the red colour key to access the Password Change feature.
2Enter your current password.
If you have never changed your password, enter
1234 (factory setting).
3Enter your new password using number keys. Note that your password cannot be made up of identical digits.