Nikon 4DIF instruction manual Nomenclature, Mounting the Lens

Page 11




(T) Lens hood screw


Built-in rotating tripod collar

(2) Focus lock buttons (four buttons


Strap eyelets




Focusing limit switch

(3) Distance index


Glass filter holder

(4) Depth-of-field indicators


Gelatine filter holder plate


Distance scale

@ Gelatine filter holder

(6) Focus mode ring


Aperture index


Tripod collar alignment index


Aperture scale

(8) Tripod collar alignment scale

(§) Minimum aperture lock lever

(9) Filter holder mounting index

@ Aperture-direct-readout scale


Filter holder knob


Minimum aperture signal post (EE servo

® Lens hood HK-21


coupling post)

@ Focusing ring


CPU contacts


Focus mode button


Aperture indexing post


Focus mode index

@ Meter coupling ridge

@ Tripod collar lock screw


Aperture ring

Before using your new lens, read the following carefully so you get the most out of your lens now and for years to come.


Be careful not to soil or damage the CPU contacts.

Do not attach the following accessories to the lens, as they might damage the lens' CPU contacts:

Auto Extension Ring PK-1, Auto Extension Ring PK-11/PK-11A, Kl Ring, Auto Ring BR-2/BR-2A/BR-4.

This lens cannot be used with the AF Finder DX-1 attached to the Nikon F3AF camera.


To mount, position the lens on the camera's bayonet mount, lining up the aperture index on the lens with the lens mounting index on the camera. Twist the camera body clockwise until it clicks into place.

To remove, press the lens' release button on the camera and turn the camera body counterclockwise. For details, refer to the camera's instruction manual.


Image 11
Contents AF-I Nikkor ED 500mm #4DIF AfflL,r«t», trh-&h-ttB#»«j#/7j!fi4ir, j*fH4ic tun-a ***„ F4, F90X, F90 O F70 Caratteristiche Speciali CON Fotocamere Nikon Della SeriePage @ @ Ihnen die folgenden Vorteile IsXft*-2-KBiCCju, AFlSOTfr***fBi*Sft*To T t« 7 * a * * K««SiSRS!****ff I, * a* e 7 * a * E KfflJIiU 7£M F *- x ? j t rt&*-&b-e Bfl Efl Tt m Mounting the Lens NomenclatureFor a Nikon Non-Autofocus Camera For a Nikon Autofocus Camera except the F3AFMinimum Aperture LOCKMust a Recommended Focusing ScreenDepth of Field Using FiltersUsing Lens Hood HK-21 Lens Care SpecificationsAnbringen DES Objektivs NomenklaturWichtig Fokussieren Empfohlene Einstellscheiben Zusammen mit einer Nikon-Kamera ohne Autofokus-FunktionScharfentiefe Verriegelung FUR Kleinste BlendeAbb. a Verwendung DER Gegenlichtblenden HK-21 DIE Verwendung VON FilternObjektivpflege Technische DatenLA Mise AU Point Montage\ Mode de mise au point Utilisation avec les appareils photo Nikon non-autofocus Verres DE Visee RecommandesUtilisation DU Parasoleil HK-21 Verrou DE Louverture MinimaleReperage DE LA Profondeur DE Champ Utilisation DES FiltresSoins a Apporter a Votre Objectif CaracteristiquesEnfoque NomenclaturaImportante Montaje DEL ObjetivoCamaras Nara Serie F4 Enfoque manual Para camaras no Autofocus de NikonBloqueo DE Abertura MINIMAMust a Pantallas DE Enfoque RecomendadasUSO DEL Parasol HK-21 Profundidad DE CampoUtilizacion DE Filtros Cuidado DEL Objetivo Messa a Fuoco Montaggio DellobiettivoApparecchi Nikon AF Per le fotocamere Nikon autofocus tranne la F3AFSchermi DI Messa a Fuoco Raccomandati Per le fotocamere Nikon non-autofocusUSO DEI Paraluce HK-21 Blocco Apertura MinimaProfondita DI Campo USO DEI FiltriBlocco apertura minima Inseribile Caratteristiche TecnicheLunghezza focale 500 mm Apertura massima Angolo di campoCura Degli Obiettivi Zi tewj5$.&, »£7ux,t#i&-3*», mmm&z t&mmvigmi«u$t DEPTH-OF-FIELD Table Nikon