6.Press the 1/3/ENTER button to enter the changes.
•If there has been a file with the title changed with the 1/3/ENTER button exists, “Exist Title” is displayed for one second.
•If the last letter of the file title is Space(SP) character, the changed title does not include the last letter.
•Extensions are not displayed.
•If number of file title letter is more than 60, last letter is deleted when a new letter is added.
•The characters which you can insert are A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z (Space) ! “ # $ % & ’ ( ) + ,
File Delete
1.From Stop, press and hold the DISPLAY button for one second.
2.Press the VOL + or VOL – button to select “File List”. Then press the 1/3/ENTER button.
•File list appears in the display.
•Press the STOP/CANCEL button to return to Stop mode.
3.Press the VOL + or VOL – button to select the file you want to delete. Then press the 1/3/ENTER button to enter the File list Menu.
•Press the 8 button to return to the File list.
•Press the STOP/CANCEL button to return to Stop mode.
4.Press the VOL + or VOL – button to select “Delete”.
Then press the 1/3/ENTER button. “File Delete?” message is displayed.
•Press the STOP/CANCEL button to cancel a File Delete item and return to STOP.
5.While “File Delete?” message is displayed, select “Yes” and press the 1/3/ENTER button to delete the selected file. During the deletion of file, “Executing...” is displayed. Then “Completed” is displayed for one second.