Mamiya M645 1000S ’, Shutter Release and Film Transport Mechanism, Shutter Release Lock Ring

Page 31

Shutter Release and Film Transport Mechanism


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0 Shutter Release Lock Ring

Theshutterreleasebuttonisequipped withalockringtopreventaccidental


1.Whenyouwishtoreleasetheshutter, turntheshutterreleaselockringso thatthewhitedot(B)isalignedwiththe dot(A)onthecamerabody.

2.Aligningthereddot(C)oftheshutter releaselockringwiththedotonthe camerabodywillsimultaneouslylock bothshutterreleasebuttons.

1.Whenreleasingtheshutter,youmay useeitherthefrontoruppershutter releasebutton.


advance crank isautomatically un- locked,makingitpossibletotransport


Please notice the following points re- garding the film transport mechanism:

*Abuilt-insafetylockpreventsthe shutterfrombeingreleasedifthefilm advancecrankisnotfullywoundorif theexposurecounterisbetweenS and1

*Afterthefixednumberofexposures hasbeentaken(15or30),theshutter releasebuttonautomaticallylocks. *Ifthefilmisadvancedwhiledepress- ingtheshutterreleasebutton,theshut- terwillbereleasedattheinstantthe filmisfullyadvanced.Donotattempt totakepicturesinthismannerasade- greeofcamerashakeisinevitable.

*IfthePDPrismFinderisnotattached tothecamerabodyandtheshutteris releasedwiththeshutterspeeddial settothe@position,themirrorwilllock intheraisedpositionandtheshutter willremainopen.(Movingtheshutter speeddialtoBor 1/1000 sec.willlower themirrorandclosetheshutter.)

*Useofthemultiple-exposurelever isexplainedonpage50.

*Thefrontshutterreleasebuttonis threadedtoacceptcablereleases.

*Do notstronglydepresstheupper shutterreleasebuttonwhilesimulta-

neouslyadvancingthefilm.Ifthisis done,thefilmadvanceautomaticstop mechanismwillbedisengaged,and thefilmwilladvanceevenduringthe operationoftheshutter.Moreover,the


Image 31 Mamiya M645 1000S manual ’, Shutter Release and Film Transport Mechanism, Shutter Release Lock Ring
Contents Page Page InterchangingtheFilmAdvanceCrank ~--- ~.~ -.-I~ Special Features of the Mamiya M645 1000S \ ’ \Multi-Coated Lenses Flatness of the Film PlaneUnlimited Scope Camera Body SpecificationsInterchangeable Finders Names and Functions of Parts Back cover Battery check buttonFilm plane mark Back cover latch@ Tripod socket @ Battery chamber cover latchBattery chamber cover Names and Functions of PartsAperture ring @ Exposure meter coupler LeverAmes and Functions of Parts EYecUP Diopter correction lens retainer ringEyepiece Finder release buttonShutter speed dial ASA window ASA dial Meter switchPD Prism Finder S Aperture ring couplinCover CdS Prism FinderSports finder eyepiece Auxiliary mask forDot for MagnifierTesting to See if the Camera Functions Properly Removing the body cap Attaching Lenses Interchanging LensesAttaching Finders Interchanging FindersRemoving Finders PrecautionInterchanging Focusing Screens Focusing ScreensInserting a Battery -~ Battery Check Loading the Film Film LoadingPage Using Roll-Film Designed for Six Exposures Insertion of the Film Insert Memo Clip Page Depth-of-Field Preview Lever Aperture Ring/Stop-down OperationAM Lever Focusing Shutter Release and Film Transport Mechanism \\ \ \ \ \ \ ’ \Shutter Release Lock Ring Unloading Film Removing from Camera Neck StrapMethods of holding the camera securely Attaching to CameraWaist-Level Operation Hand Grips Special ‘Features Using the PD Prism Finder S 1 -l.--- II --~-I- I~Specifications 6400 Using PD Prism Finder $ Compensation Hints Exposure CompensationCorrect Exposure Measurement Inserting the Battery Special FeaturesMethod of Use Using the CdS Prism Finder Aperture Priority Method Usable Shutter Speeds unshaded area Using the CQS Prism Finder~... .. .-.-~ Meter Coupling RangeUsing the Waist-level Finder S Lowering the Magnifier Interchanging Magnifiers Using the Waist-level Finder S 2 ~ -- -- -~Using the Sports Finder Using the Auxiliary Mask Page Page Flash Synchronization Chart Using Flash \ ,\Refertothedatasheetpackedwiththefilm Mirror Lock-up Using the Delayed S Shutter Release Removing the crank Attaching the crank Interchanging the Film Advance CrankRemoving the knob Attaching the knobTripod Socket Time Exposures Shutter release button will not move Trouble-ShootingYou touch the X-sync terminal Mirror Lock-up PrecautionsPhotographing at Low Temperatures Releasing the shutter with no film in the cameraCare of the Camera CleaningCheck