Interchanging the Film Advance Crank
| 0 Removing the crank | • Attaching the crank |
withtheShutterreleasebutton,by- |
passingthedelayedshutterrelease,as |
oftenasdesired |
*If thedelayedshutterreleaseisin- |
advertentlystartedwhentheshutteris |
uncocked, it will stop afterpartially |
functioning.Then,resetthelever,ad- |
vancethefilm,andpushtheactivating |
levertostartthedelayedshutterre- |
lease.Ifthefilmisadvanced,atsucha |
time,beforeresettingthedelayedshut- |
terrelease,thedelayedshutterrelease |
will automatically commence operating |
themomentthefilmisfullyadvanced, |
trippingtheshutterafewmoments | 1. Rotatethefilmadvancecrankuntil | 1. Alignthereddot(B)ofthecamera |
later. | itstops. | bodywiththeindexline(C)onthefilm |
Forthesamereasonsoutlinedabove, | 2. Then,rotateitcounterclockwiseap- | advancecrank. |
the shutter release lock ringshould | proximately20°whilesimultaneously | 2. Withreddotandindexlinealigned, |
alsobesettotheunlockedposition | pushinginonthereleaselever(A),and | pushthefilmadvancecrankintothe |
beforestartingthedelayedshutterre- | itwilldetach. | receptor,thentwistapproximately20° |
lease. |
| clockwisewhilepushinginonthere- |
*When attaching the camera to a |
| |
| leaselever(A),anditwilllockinto | |
large,professionaltripod,thecamera |
| |
| place. | |
supportmayprotrudebeyondthefront |
| |
| |
ofthecamerabodyHowever,ifthe |
cameraisattachedtosuchatripod |
| |
model2,itwillbepossibletocockthe |
delayedshutterreleasewiththecam- |
eraattachedtothetripod. |
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