Mamiya M645 1000S manual Trouble-Shooting, Shutter release button will not move

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Ifyourcameraappearstobemalfunctioning,checkthe listbelowtoseewhetherornotyouhaveforgottensome- thing.

1. The shutter release button will not move.



2. The mirror is locked in the up position. (Cannot see anything through the finder.)

A)Didyoureleasetheshutterwithoutabatteryinthe camera?Hasthebatterybeencorrectlyinsertedintothe camera,orisitbackwards?Isthecorrectbatterytypein- sertedintothecamera?

Pressthebatterycheckbutton,asfarasitwillgo,tolower mirror.(p.22)






3.The developed roll of film has 1 or 2 frames less than it should have.

A)Didyoualignthestartmarkswiththefilmadvancecrank afterplacingtheroll-filminsertintothecamera? Thefilmshouldalwaysbesettothestartmarkbefore placingthefilminsertintothecamera.(p.24)


roll-film insert?


4. The PD Prism Finder’s LED’s do not illuminate when pressing the meter switch.

Didyousetthecamera’sshutterspeeddialtothe0po- sition?Ifnot,therewillbenoelectricalconnection.(p.35)

5.You may receive an electric shock when an electronic flash is connected to the X-sync terminal and you touch the hot-shoe. Also, you may receive an electric shock when an elec- tronic flash is attached to the hot-shoe and

you touch the X-sync terminal.

Asaprecautionagainstpossibleshock,alwayskeepthe safetycoverontheterminalwhennotinuse(seep.49)


Image 57 Mamiya M645 1000S manual Trouble-Shooting, Shutter release button will not move, You touch the X-sync terminal
Contents Page Page InterchangingtheFilmAdvanceCrank ~--- ~.~ -.-I~ Special Features of the Mamiya M645 1000S \ ’ \Flatness of the Film Plane Multi-Coated LensesUnlimited Scope Camera Body SpecificationsInterchangeable Finders Names and Functions of Parts Film plane mark Battery check buttonBack cover latch Back coverBattery chamber cover @ Battery chamber cover latchNames and Functions of Parts @ Tripod socketAperture ring @ Exposure meter coupler LeverAmes and Functions of Parts Eyepiece Diopter correction lens retainer ringFinder release button EYecUPPD Prism Finder S Meter switchAperture ring couplin Shutter speed dial ASA window ASA dialCover CdS Prism FinderDot for Auxiliary mask forMagnifier Sports finder eyepieceTesting to See if the Camera Functions Properly Removing the body cap Attaching Lenses Interchanging LensesAttaching Finders Interchanging FindersRemoving Finders PrecautionInterchanging Focusing Screens Focusing ScreensInserting a Battery -~ Battery Check Loading the Film Film LoadingPage Using Roll-Film Designed for Six Exposures Insertion of the Film Insert Memo Clip Page Aperture Ring/Stop-down Operation Depth-of-Field Preview LeverAM Lever Focusing \\ \ \ \ \ \ ’ \ Shutter Release and Film Transport MechanismShutter Release Lock Ring Unloading Film Methods of holding the camera securely Neck StrapAttaching to Camera Removing from CameraWaist-Level Operation Hand Grips Using the PD Prism Finder S 1 -l.--- II --~-I- I~ Special ‘FeaturesSpecifications 6400 Using PD Prism Finder $ Exposure Compensation Compensation HintsCorrect Exposure Measurement Inserting the Battery Special FeaturesMethod of Use Using the CdS Prism Finder Aperture Priority Method ~... .. .-.-~ Using the CQS Prism FinderMeter Coupling Range Usable Shutter Speeds unshaded areaUsing the Waist-level Finder S Lowering the Magnifier Interchanging Magnifiers Using the Waist-level Finder S 2 ~ -- -- -~Using the Sports Finder Using the Auxiliary Mask Page Page Flash Synchronization Chart Using Flash \ ,\Refertothedatasheetpackedwiththefilm Mirror Lock-up Using the Delayed S Shutter Release Removing the crank Attaching the crank Interchanging the Film Advance CrankRemoving the knob Attaching the knobTripod Socket Time Exposures Trouble-Shooting Shutter release button will not moveYou touch the X-sync terminal Photographing at Low Temperatures PrecautionsReleasing the shutter with no film in the camera Mirror Lock-upCleaning Care of the CameraCheck