Mamiya M645 1000S manual Using the CQS Prism Finder, ~... .. .-.-~, Meter Coupling Range

Page 44

Using the CQS Prism Finder (3)


- - - ~... .._ .-.-~ _.. .-

Meter Coupling Range

Therangeofusableshutterspeeds varies in accordance with the film speed (ASA). Astheshutterspeeds shownintheshadedareaofthedia- grambelowarebeyondtherangeof themeter,theshutterspeeddialis providedwithasafetylocktoprevent onefromenteringthenon-usablezone. Forexample,itcanbeseenfromthe diagramthat1/8sec.isinthe non- usablezonewhenusingfilmratedat 800 ASA (or higher); consequently, whentheASAdialoftheCdSFinderis setto800,theshutterspeeddialcan- notbesetto1/8sec.

*Toconservebatterypower,keepthe *Toobtainoptimumresults,followthe exposure meter switch set to OFF sameprecautionsoutlinedforthePD wheneverthemeterisnotinuse.Even PrismFinder(see“CorrectExposure whenforgettingtosettheswitchto Measurement”,p.38).

OFF,whenevertheCdSPrismFinder isremovedfromthecamera,theexpo-

suremeterisautomaticallyswitched offbecauseofthesmallsafetyswitch builtintothebottomofthefinder.

Usable Shutter Speeds (unshaded area)

Image 44 Mamiya M645 1000S Using the CQS Prism Finder, ~... .. .-.-~, Meter Coupling Range, Usable Shutter Speeds unshaded area
Contents Page Page InterchangingtheFilmAdvanceCrank Special Features of the Mamiya M645 1000S \ ’ \ ~--- ~.~ -.-I~Unlimited Scope Flatness of the Film PlaneMulti-Coated Lenses Specifications Camera BodyInterchangeable Finders Names and Functions of Parts Battery check button Film plane markBack cover latch Back cover@ Battery chamber cover latch Battery chamber coverNames and Functions of Parts @ Tripod socketLever Aperture ring @ Exposure meter couplerAmes and Functions of Parts Diopter correction lens retainer ring EyepieceFinder release button EYecUPMeter switch PD Prism Finder SAperture ring couplin Shutter speed dial ASA window ASA dialCdS Prism Finder CoverAuxiliary mask for Dot forMagnifier Sports finder eyepieceTesting to See if the Camera Functions Properly Interchanging Lenses Removing the body cap Attaching LensesInterchanging Finders Attaching FindersPrecaution Removing FindersFocusing Screens Interchanging Focusing ScreensInserting a Battery -~ Battery Check Film Loading Loading the FilmPage Using Roll-Film Designed for Six Exposures Insertion of the Film Insert Memo Clip Page AM Lever Aperture Ring/Stop-down OperationDepth-of-Field Preview Lever Focusing Shutter Release Lock Ring \\ \ \ \ \ \ ’ \Shutter Release and Film Transport Mechanism Unloading Film Neck Strap Methods of holding the camera securelyAttaching to Camera Removing from CameraWaist-Level Operation Hand Grips Specifications Using the PD Prism Finder S 1 -l.--- II --~-I- I~Special ‘Features 6400 Using PD Prism Finder $ Correct Exposure Measurement Exposure CompensationCompensation Hints Special Features Inserting the BatteryMethod of Use Using the CdS Prism Finder Aperture Priority Method Using the CQS Prism Finder ~... .. .-.-~Meter Coupling Range Usable Shutter Speeds unshaded areaUsing the Waist-level Finder S Using the Waist-level Finder S 2 ~ -- -- -~ Lowering the Magnifier Interchanging MagnifiersUsing the Sports Finder Using the Auxiliary Mask Page Page Using Flash \ ,\ Flash Synchronization ChartRefertothedatasheetpackedwiththefilm Mirror Lock-up Using the Delayed S Shutter Release Interchanging the Film Advance Crank Removing the crank Attaching the crankAttaching the knob Removing the knobTripod Socket Time Exposures You touch the X-sync terminal Trouble-ShootingShutter release button will not move Precautions Photographing at Low TemperaturesReleasing the shutter with no film in the camera Mirror Lock-upCheck CleaningCare of the Camera