Mamiya M645 1000S Precautions, Releasing the shutter with no film in the camera, Mirror Lock-up

Page 58


Releasing the shutter with no film in the camera

Thefilmtransport mechanismhasa built-insafetylock which preventstheshutterfrombeingreleasedafterthe lastexposureonarolloffilm,orwhenthereisnofilmin

thecamera.Thus,whentheshutterreleasebuttonlocks undersuchcircumstances,donotforceitToreleasethe


Mirror Lock-up

Whenthemirrorislockedintheuppositionandthe cameraisoutdoorsthereisasmallpossibilityofsunlight enteringthelens,focusingontherubberized-clothfocal planeshutter,andburningittoacertaindegree.Although

suchapossibilityisremote,cautioniscalledfor.There- fore,whenusingmirrorlock-upoutdoors,alwaysreturn

themirrortoitsnormalpositionaftercompletingallyour mirrorlock-upexposures.Iftheintervalbetweenmirror lock-upexposuresislong,lowerthemirrorwhilewaiting.

The 0 position on the Shutter Speed Dial

Iftheshutterisreleasedwiththeshutterspeeddialsetto the0position,themirrorwilllockintheuppositionand thefilmadvanceknobwillnotmove.Ifthecameraisleft

inthisconditionthebattery willloseitspowerwithin severalhours

The0position isonlyforusewiththePDPrismFinder.

Photographing at Low Temperatures

Whenphotographingatlowtemperatures,becarefulof thefollowingpointstomaintaincameraperformance.


2.Whenusingelectronicflash,settheshutterspeeddial to1/30sec.orlonger.

3.Placethecameraintheoutsideaironlyduringthe momentofexposure.

*Whenworkingatextremelylowtemperatures,itsome- timesbecomesimpossibletowindthefilmadvancecrank aftertheshutterhasbeenreleased.Insuchacase,after placingthecamerainawarmplace,itwillbecomepossi- bletowindthefilmadvancecrankiftheuppershutterre- leasebuttonisstronglydepressedasfarasitwillgo. *Abatterythatmalfunctionsatlowtemperatureswill becomeusableagainwhenitisreturnedtonormaltemper- ature.However,thebatteryshouldnotbesubjectedto rapidandextremechangesoftemperature,lestitgrow unreliable.


Image 58 Mamiya M645 1000S manual Precautions, Releasing the shutter with no film in the camera, Mirror Lock-up
Contents Page Page InterchangingtheFilmAdvanceCrank Special Features of the Mamiya M645 1000S \ ’ \ ~--- ~.~ -.-I~Multi-Coated Lenses Flatness of the Film PlaneUnlimited Scope Specifications Camera BodyInterchangeable Finders Names and Functions of Parts Back cover latch Battery check buttonFilm plane mark Back coverNames and Functions of Parts @ Battery chamber cover latchBattery chamber cover @ Tripod socketLever Aperture ring @ Exposure meter couplerAmes and Functions of Parts Finder release button Diopter correction lens retainer ringEyepiece EYecUPAperture ring couplin Meter switchPD Prism Finder S Shutter speed dial ASA window ASA dialCdS Prism Finder CoverMagnifier Auxiliary mask forDot for Sports finder eyepieceTesting to See if the Camera Functions Properly Interchanging Lenses Removing the body cap Attaching LensesInterchanging Finders Attaching FindersPrecaution Removing FindersFocusing Screens Interchanging Focusing ScreensInserting a Battery -~ Battery Check Film Loading Loading the FilmPage Using Roll-Film Designed for Six Exposures Insertion of the Film Insert Memo Clip Page Depth-of-Field Preview Lever Aperture Ring/Stop-down OperationAM Lever Focusing Shutter Release and Film Transport Mechanism \\ \ \ \ \ \ ’ \Shutter Release Lock Ring Unloading Film Attaching to Camera Neck StrapMethods of holding the camera securely Removing from CameraWaist-Level Operation Hand Grips Special ‘Features Using the PD Prism Finder S 1 -l.--- II --~-I- I~Specifications 6400 Using PD Prism Finder $ Compensation Hints Exposure CompensationCorrect Exposure Measurement Special Features Inserting the BatteryMethod of Use Using the CdS Prism Finder Aperture Priority Method Meter Coupling Range Using the CQS Prism Finder~... .. .-.-~ Usable Shutter Speeds unshaded areaUsing the Waist-level Finder S Using the Waist-level Finder S 2 ~ -- -- -~ Lowering the Magnifier Interchanging MagnifiersUsing the Sports Finder Using the Auxiliary Mask Page Page Using Flash \ ,\ Flash Synchronization ChartRefertothedatasheetpackedwiththefilm Mirror Lock-up Using the Delayed S Shutter Release Interchanging the Film Advance Crank Removing the crank Attaching the crankAttaching the knob Removing the knobTripod Socket Time Exposures Shutter release button will not move Trouble-ShootingYou touch the X-sync terminal Releasing the shutter with no film in the camera PrecautionsPhotographing at Low Temperatures Mirror Lock-upCare of the Camera CleaningCheck