【Example Code】Reading the data from the command 00H
Command to send: 02H, 00H, 00H, 01H, 00H, 03H
SOF | Device Code | Read/Write | Page Selection | Command Code | Data Length | Data | EOF |
(8bit) | (6bit) | (1bit) | (1bit) | (8bit) | (8bit) | (1byte) | (8bit) |
02H |
| 00H |
| 00H | 01H | 00H | 03H |
Command to receive upon a successful communication: 02H, 01H, 00H, 03H (assuming the data is 00H)
SOF | Data Length | Data | EOF |
(8bit) | (8bit) | (n bytes) | (8bit) |
02H | 01H | 00H | 03H |
【Sequence for the saving commands to the EEPROM】
Please use the following sequence for saving the commands to the EEPROM.
1)Set “1” to the 80H.0 to enable writing to the EEPROM.
2)Send the save data with the page selection “1”.
3)The camera sends back one of the following receiving codes after writing the EEPROM. 01H: OK
17H: EEPROM write error
4)80.0H is cleared to “0” automatically after writing the EEPROM.
Note1: The data cannot be saved to the EEPROM when 80H.0 is “0”.
Note2: When saving the consecutive sequence of commands, the above steps, 1) to 4), are necessary only once.
i.e.) saving the commands “10H, 11H, 12H, 13H”, or “22H, 23H, 24H”, etc.
Note3: When saving the nonconsecutive sequence of commands, the above steps, 1) to 4), are necessary for the same number of times.
i.e.) saving the commands “10H, 13H, 19H, 1BH” or “20H, 23H, 25H”, etc.
FVL200B1 | 22/32 | |
User’s Guide Rev. 1.01 | ||