::PlanningRead this section before incorporatingyourReplayTVSetupinto your entertainment system.
IncorporatingReplayTV controls and recordsReplayTVthe televisionintosignalsyourreceiveEntertainment(satellite, cable, antenna,Systemor a combination of all three). The sig-
nal(s) connect directly to the | inputs. The outputs from ReplayTV connect to a television, monitor, or A/V receiver. You | |
can also connect VCR to | and save shows | have recorded to videotape. See “Saving Recordings to Videotape” on |
page 46 for more information. | is not intended to record signals sent by DVD players and video game systems. Connect |
DVD players and video game systems directly your television, not to ReplayTV.
ReplayTVCheckingreceivesyourbroadcastSatellitesignals from Receiversatellite receivers through
If the remote control for your satellite receiver has a “UHF” label, or if your satellite receiver uses a small antenna, your satellite
receiver is radio controlled.does not support
serial | infrared controls are supported. |
1ReceiverConnectingthe incomingReplayTVtelevision signaltoanReplayTV.A/V | Refer to the |
Quick Setup Guide for detailed instructions. |
2an A/V cable from the OUTPUT jacks on ReplayTV to the AUDIO/VIDEO IN jacks on your A/V receiver, matching like col- ors. Use an
3Refer to the Quick Setup Guide to complete the remaining connec-