ReplayTV 4500
• ReplayTV Digital Video Recorder | • | Serial cable | |
• | Coaxial cable | • | |
• | Audio/Video cable | • | |
• | • | Remote control | |
• | Ethernet cable | • | Two AA batteries |
• | Telephone cable | • | Information Card |
• | Infrared (IR) blaster cable | • | Quick Setup Guide |
Package*Use if the serialContentscable is not compatible with your satellite receiver.
Copyright/Trademarks© 2002 SONICblue Incorporated. All rights reserved.
ReplayTV, ReplayTV Service, ReplayZones, QuickSkip, AutoSkip and Show Organizer are trademarks of SONICblue Incorporated. All other product or brand names as they appear are trademarks or reg- istered trademarks of their respective holders.
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This document is intended for informational and instructional purposes only. The Company reserves the right to make changes in the specifications and other information contained in this document without prior notification.
It is the intent of SONICblue that this product be used in full compliance with the copyright laws of the United States. It is your responsibility to comply with such laws. Unauthorized recording of copy- righted television programs or providing copies of such programs to others may, in certain circumstances, violate copyright law and prior permission from copyright owners may be required for certain pub- lic performances and certain commercial uses.
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