ReplayTV 4500
ConnectingReplayTV toReplayTVVCR if you wanttotoawatchVCRor save your record- ings videotape. Deleting recordings from the Replay Guide will pre- serve hard drive space.
•an A/V cable from the OUTPUT jacks on ReplayTV to the AUDIO/VIDEO IN jacks on your VCR, matching like colors.
•ReplayTVConnectingYou can connect avideoVideocameraCameraor VCR fromorits OutputsVCRtothe Inputs ReplayTV and record the content onto ReplayTV using the Manual Record feature. See “Using Manual Record” on page 38.
ConnectingIf you connect cableCablebox or satelliteBoxreceiverandtoSatelliteReplayTV, youReceiverwill need to attachControllersa controller cable so ReplayTV can change the channels either of these components. The controller, either a serial cable or an IR blaster cable, will act as a remote control for these components.
If your satellite receiverSerialor cable boxCablesupports serial cable, use the provided serial cable as a controlling cable. Connect the serial
cable to the SERIAL CONTROL connector on ReplayTV and | the serial port your cable box or satellite receiver. If your |
receiver uses |
cable place of serial cable, you will need to use the RJH to
els DRD221RD, DRD222RD,the | DRD223RD, and DS2122RD will all require this adapter. |
Use the IR blaster if yourIRsatelliteBlasterreceiver or cable box does not support serial cable.
Infrared Emitters
LocateThe infraredtheinfraredemitter at thedetectorend of the onIR blasteryourmustcablebeboxplacedordirectlysatelliteoverreceiverthe infrared detector on your cable box or satellite receiver. The infrared detector receives the signals from the ReplayTV remote control.