::SetupReplayTVChange the name Nameof yourMenulocal ReplayTV. Naming your ReplayTV is only necessary if you have more than one ReplayTV on your home network. You may name each ReplayTV a name of your choice.
InternetChange your localIdentityReplayTV’s andInternetAddressidentity and manageBookAddress Book entries. See “Accessing the Internet Address Book” on page 50.
Change the currentRecordrecordingOptionsoptions. This includes the quality at which shows are recorded, how many episodes of a show are kept Ddefaultbefore being replaced by the next episode, and in which category a show is stored.
Set | forPlaybackevery recorded showOptionsto play back with or without commercials using COMMERCIAL ADVANCE. See “COM- |
MERCIALe | ADVANCE” on page 51. |
UpdateNtworkthe A/V andnetworkingInputinformationSettingsyou provided during the
You can also choose this option to change between use of a phone line and Ethernet connection. (For example, if you purchased your ReplayTV 4500 and use the telephone line to eceive Channel Guide listings and then later add a broadband network to your home.) Choose Switch Connection from the Setup Summary screen if you switch from modem to Ethernet use.
VidSelect the TVOutputchannel toSettingsuse for viewing ReplayTV video output if you connect ReplayTV to your TV using the OUT TO TV con- nector.eIf you use the VGA connector, select the video format supported by your television or monitor.
ScrChoose enwhichSaverandphotos are used whenPausethe screenScreensaver is displayed and when you press the PAUSE button. See “Screen Saver and Pause Screen” on page 52 for more information.