Appendix G: Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS)
Your Internet service provider (ISP) provides you with at least one IP address that you use to connect to the Internet. The address you get may be static, meaning it never changes, or dynamic, meaning it’s likely to change periodically. Just how often it changes depends on your ISP. A dynamic IP address complicates remote access since you may not know what your current WAN IP address is when you want to access your network over the Internet. The solution to the dynamic IP address problem comes in the form of a dynamic DNS service.
The Internet uses DNS servers to look up domain names and translates them into IP addresses. Domain names, such as
There are several excellent DDNS services available on the Internet and, best of all, some of them free to use. The INTELLINET NETWORK SOLUTIONS Network Cameras support the DDNS service provided by www.DynDNS.org.
You’ll need to register with the service and set up the domain name of your choice to begin using it. Please refer to the homepage or the service for detailed instructions.
A DDNS service works by uploading your WAN IP address to its servers periodically. Your gateway/router may support DDNS directly, in which case you can enter your DDNS account information into your router and it will update the DDNS servers automatically when your IP address changes. Consult your router’s documentation for more information. If your router does not support DDNS, you can run a small client utility on any PC on your network that will perform the updating. The client utility is usually provided for free by the service. Check the service’s Web page for further information, terms and conditions.
How to Use the DynDNS DDNS Server
1. Go to the DynDNS homepage (www.dyndns.org or www.dyndns.com).