AXIS 230
Respond to trigger... 22 Restarting the server 37
Restoring the factory default settings 37 Retry count - HTTP notifications 26 Root password 30
RTP 35
Schematic diagram 50 Sensitivity - microphone setting 14 Server boot - event triggering 23 Server Report 39
Setting up event types 22 Setup Tools 17 Sharpness 18
Shutter speed 18
IP address notification 33 network settings 35
Source modulation 18 Specifications 55 Splitting uploads 23 Suffixes 24 Support 37, 39 System options 29 System requirements 12
event notification 25 notification servers 27 Port number 32
TCP/IP network settings 33 Technical specifications 55 Terminal block 49
Time Zone 32
Timer - event triggering 23 Transistor output 52 Trigger types 23
Index 61
Triggers 21
Troubleshooting 39
Unicasting 6
Updated firmware 43
Upload servers 25
Uploading to FTP servers 23
User groups 31
Users 30
Video bit rate 57
Video quality 57
Video Settings 18
Viewer - user group 31
Volume 20
Warning Log 37
When triggered... 23
White Balance 18