To control the PTZ
1.Press the [PTZ ( )] button.
2.When the PTZ button bar appears on the screen, use the direction buttons to adjust the camera angle, zoom factor or focus to your preference.
M For further details on PTZ use, refer to “External PTZ setup”. (page 54)
1.Click the [Playback ( )] button.
2.Specify the start time and end time of your search.
3.Select an event type for your search within the specified period.
4.Click the [Search ( )] button. The search results will be displayed in the list.
M If more than 500 events are recorded within the search period, your search will
be limited up to the date when the 500th event is recorded.
For instance, if the search period is between 10th and 15th day of the month, and more than 500 events were recorded 10th through 11th, your search will be limited up to 11th day with a total of 500 events, and events after then (from 12th) will not be found.
5.Select a data item to play in the search list.
6.Click the [Play ( )] button.
7.To stop playing the video, click [Stop ( )].
To return to the search screen, click
[Exit ( )].