For fast searching forwards
➮press the button @on the remote control repeatedly until the desired speed is shown.
For fast searching backwards
➮press the button @on the remote control repeatedly until the desired speed is shown.
To end the searching,
➮press the button A on the remote control.
Random track play (MIX)
➮Press the 1 MIX button 9.
ÒMIX CD ONÓ appears briefly on the display and the MIX symbol is dis- played. The next randomly selected track will then be played.
Cancelling MIX
➮Press the 1 MIX button 9again.
ÒMIX CD OFFÓ appears briefly on the display and the MIX symbol disap- pears.
Cancelling SCAN and continuing listening to a track
To end the scanning process,
➮press MENU¥OK button 7.
The currently scanned track will then continue to be played normally.
Repeating tracks (REPEAT)
If you want to repeat a track,
➮press the RPT 4 button 9.
ÒREPEAT TRACKÓ appears briefly on the display, and the RPT symbol is shown. The track is repeated continu- ously until you deactivate RPT.
Cancelling REPEAT
If you want to cancel the repeat func- tion,
➮press the RPT 4 button 9 again.
ÒREPEAT ALLÓ appears briefly on the display, and the RPT symbol disap- pears. Normal playback is then re- sumed.
REPEAT with the remote control
Scanning tracks (SCAN)
You can scan (briefly play) all the tracks on the CD.
➮Press and hold down the MENU¥OK button 7for longer than two seconds.
The next track will then be scanned.
You can set the scanning time. For further information, please read the section entitled ÒSetting the scanning timeÓ in the ÒRadio modeÓ chapter.
In CD mode, you can select the RE- PEAT mode with the remote control.
To repeat a track,
➮press the PLAY MODE button J repeatedly until ÒTRACKÓ is shown on the external display next to the repeat symbol.
To cancel REPEAT,
➮press the PLAY MODE button J repeatedly until ÒALLÓ is shown on the external display next to the re- peat symbol.