Sony XR-C113 operating instructions Table of Contents

Page 3

Notes on Cassettes

Cassette care

Do not touch the tape surface of a cassette, as any dirt or dust contaminates the heads.

Keep cassettes away from equipment with built-in magnets such as speakers and amplifiers, as erasure or distortion of the recorded tape could occur.

Do not expose cassettes to direct sunlight, extremely cold temperatures, or moisture.

When the tape is played back for a long period, the cassette shell may become warm because of the built-in power amplifier. This is not a sign of a malfunction.

Notes on Cassette Deck Tape Heads

Long use of cassette tapes contaminates the tape head causing poor sound quality or complete sound dropout. Therefore, we recommend cleaning the tape head once a month or so with the separately available Sony Cassette Cleaning Set. If the sound does not improve after using a cleaning cassette, please consult your nearest Sony dealer.

In case of old or inferior cassette tapes, the tape head gets contaminated much more quickly. Depending on the tape, one or two playbacks may cause poor sound.

Cassettes longer than 90 minutes

The use of cassettes longer than 90 minutes is not recommended except for long continuous play. The tapes used for these cassettes are very thin and tend to be stretched easily. Frequent playing and stopping of these tapes may cause them to be pulled into the cassette deck mechanism.

Table of Contents

Detaching and Attaching the Front Panel


Setting the Clock


Cassette Player Operation

Listening to Tape Playback


Ejecting the Cassette


Fast-winding the Tape


Radio Reception

Searching for Stations Automatically



— Automatic Tuning



Tuning in by Adjusting the Frequency



— Manual Tuning



Memorizing Stations Automatically



— Automatic Memory Function



................Memorizing Only the Desired Stations



.......................Receiving the Memorized Stations



Other Functions

Adjusting the Sound Characteristics


Enjoying Bass and Treble at Low Volume


— Loudness Function


CD Changer Operation

With the optional CD changer(s) connected

Playing a CD


Locating the Beginnings of the Tracks


— AMS (Automatic Music Sensor)




Locating the Desired Part of a Track


— Manual Search


Changing CDs


Selecting CD Changers




Dismounting the Unit


Button Locations




Troubleshooting Guide



Actual total number

Sony XR-C113 (E,Pl,Bg,Hu,R) 3-856-405-41(1)

Image 3
Contents 856-405-411 By Sony CorporationSony XR-C113 E,Pl,Bg,Hu,R Tuner section FeaturesPrecautions GeneralTable of Contents Attaching the Front Panel Detaching the Front PanelEjecting the Cassette Setting the ClockFast-winding the Tape Automatic TuningAutomatic Memory Function Tuning in by AdjustingFrequency Manual Tuning Memorizing Only Desired StationsLocating the Desired Part Adjusting the Sound CharacteristicsEnjoying Bass and Treble at Low Volume Playing a CDSelecting CD Changers MaintenanceFuse Replacement Cleaning the ConnectorsDismounting the Unit Button Locations Specifications Power amplifier sectionCassette player section Radio reception Troubleshooting GuideError displays with the operational CD changers connected Tape playbackWybieranie stacji nadawczej CechyUwagi dotycz±ce bezpieczeÒstwa OgÛlneUwagi na temat g owic magnetofonu kasetowego Uwagi dotycz±ce kasetSpis Tre ci Obchodzenie siÍ z kasetamiZak adanie panela Alarm ostgrzegawczyZdejmowanie Zak adanie przedniego panela Zdejmowanie przedniego panelaUstawianie zegara Szybkie przewijanie ta my Obs uga odtwarzacza kasetowegoUchanie ta my Wyjmowanie kasetyOdbÛr programu radiowego Automatyczne wyszukiwanie stacjiStrojenie przez regulacjÍ czÍstotliwo ci OdbiÛr stacji zapisanej w pamiÍci odbiornika Zapisywanie w pamiÍci tylko wybranych stacji nadawczychCD Obs uga Odtwarzacza dyskÛw kompaktowych CD Inne funkcjeZmiana dyskÛw KonserwacjaWybÛr odtwarzcza CD Demontaø sprzÍtu Lokalizacja przyciskÛw Wzmacniacz mocy Dane techniczneOdtwarzacz kaset Odbiornik radiowyOdtwarzanie dyskÛw kompaktowych CD Usuwanie usterekOdtwarzanie kaset OdbiÛr programÛw radiowychE01 Å ÍË Á‡ ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚ ‡ÒÂÚËÒÔ Ó‰˙ÎÊËÚÂÎÌÓÒÚÔÓ- „ÓÎflχ ÓÚ 90 Ïëìûúë ‡·ÂÎÂÊÍË Óúìóòìó ‡Û‰ËÓ-͇ÒÂÚËÚÂ˙‰˙ ʇÌË ‡·ÂÎÂÊÍË Óúìóòìó „·‚ËÚ ̇ ͇ÒÂÚÓÙÓ̇‰ÛÔ Â‰ËÚÂÎÂÌ Á‚ÛÍÓ‚ Ò˄̇Π‚‡ÎflÌÂ Ë ÔÓÒÚ‡‚flÌ ̇ Ô Â‰ÌÓÚÓ Ú‡·ÎÓ Á‡ ÛÔ ‡‚ÎÂÌË‚‡ÎflÌ ̇ Ô Â‰ÌÓÚÓ Ú‡·ÎÓ Á‡ ÛÔ ‡‚ÎÂÌË ÈÓÒÚ‡‚flÌ ̇ Ô Â‰ÌÓÚÓ Ú‡·ÎÓ Á‡ ÛÔ ‡‚ÎÂÌˉ˙ÎÊÂÌË ̇ ̇È-χÎÍÓ ‰‚ ÒÂÍÛÌ‰Ë ‚ fl‚‡Ì ̇ ˜‡ÒÓ‚ÌË͇˙ ÁÓ Ô Â̇‚Ë‚‡Ì ̇ ÎÂÌÚ‡Ú‡ ‡·ÓÚ‡ Ò Í‡ÒÂÚÓÙÓ̇ËÎÛ¯‡Ì ̇ Á‡ÔËÒË, ‚˙ÁÔ ÓËÁ‚Âʉ‡ÌË ÓÚ Í‡ÒÂÚ‡ ÀÁ‚‡Ê‰‡Ì ̇ ͇ÒÂÚ‡Ú‡‚ÚÓχÚ˘ÌÓ Á‡Ô‡ÏÂÚfl‚‡Ì ̇ ‡‰ËÓÒڇ̈ËË ËÂχÌ ̇ ‡‰ËÓÒڇ̈ËË‚ÚÓχÚ˘ÌÓ Ú˙ Òâìâ ̇ ‡‰ËÓÒڇ̈ËË ‡ÒÚ ÓÈ‚‡Ì ˜ ÂÁ ˜ÂÒÚÓÚ‡Ú‡‰‚‡ ËÚÂÎ̇ ̇ÒÚ ÓÈ͇ ‰˙ÎÊÂÌË ̇È-χÎÍÓ Ì‡ 2 ÒÂÍÛÌ‰Ë ·ÛÚÓ̇ TUNER/A.MEMËÒ͇Ú ‰‡ Á‡Ô‡ÏÂÚËÚÂ Ò Ìóïâ Ë ‡Ì ·ÛÚÓÌ Á‡ Ô Â‰‚‡ ËÚÂÎ̇ ̇ÒÚ ÓÈ͇„Ë ÙÛÌ͈ËË ‡·ÓÚ‡ÒÛÒÚ ÓÈÒÚ‚Ó Á‡ ÒÏfl̇ ̇ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÍÚ ‰ËÒÍÓ‚Â˙ÁÔ ÓËÁ‚Âʉ‡ÌÂÓÚ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÍÚ ‰ËÒÍ ËÏfl̇ ̇ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÍÚ ‰ËÒÍÓ‚Â ÀÁ·Ó ̇ÛÒÚ ÓÈÒÚ‚ÓÁ‡ ÒÏfl̇ ̇ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÍÚ ‰ËÒÍÓ‚ÂÈÓ‰‰˙ ʇÌ ‚‡ÎflÌ ̇ ‡Ô‡ ‡Ú‡ ‰ËÒÍÓ‚ÂÚ ‡ÁÔÓÎÓÊÂÌË ̇ ·ÛÚÓÌËÚÂÅûúóì SEL ËÁ·Ó ̇ Âêëï Á‡ ·ÛÚÓÌËËÇ/ÑÇ ‡ÒÂÚÓÙÓÌÌÒË΂‡ÚÂÎ ‡‰ËÓ‡Ô‡‡Ú ì ä Ç‚˙ÁÔ ÓËÁ‚Âʉ‡Ì ˙ÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Á‡ Óúòú ‡Ìfl‚‡Ì ̇ Ìâëáô ‡‚ÌÓÒÚËËÂχÌ ̇ ‡‰ËÓÒڇ̈ËË ‰‚‡ Ëúâîìó ̇ÒÚ ÓÈ‚‡Ì˜Ë̇ ÖÍ ‡Ì·diÛ Fõbb jellemzõkBiztons·gi elõÌr·sok ¡ltal·nos jellemzõkTudnivalÛ a szalagtov·bbÌtÛ fejek tisztÌt·s·rÛl TudnivalÛk a kazett·krÛlTartalomjegyzÈk Kazett·k kezelÈseFigyelmeztetõ jelzÈsek Kezelõlap levÈtele Ès visszahelyezÈseKezelõlap levÈtele Kezelõlap visszahelyezÈseKazetta kivÈtele MagnÛ haszn·lataAz Ûra be·llÌt·sa Kazetta lej·tsz·saAutomatikus hangol·s ·diÛhallgat·sGyorscsÈvÈlÈs Automatikus adÛkeresÈsBeprogramozott adÛk Az adÛk be·llÌt·sa finomhangol·ssalAutomatikus adÛbeprogramoz·s Kiv·lasztott adÛk beprogramoz·saCD-v·ltÛk kezelÈse EgyÈb funkciÛkV · l t · s CD-v·ltÛ kiv·laszt·saKarbantart·s KÈsz¸lÈk kivÈtele Kezelõgombok ¡ltal·nos m˚szaki Jellemzõk ˚szaki adatokMagnÛ Õ s Ì t õ·diÛhallgat·s HibakeresÈs¡ltal·nos hib·k Kazetta lej·tsz·sHibakijelzÈsek CD-v·ltÛk csatlakoztat·sa esetÈn Ô‰ÓÒÚÓÓÊÌÓÒÚË Ì Í ˆ Ë Ë‡ÒÒÂÚ˚ Ò Ô Ó‰ÓÎÊËÚÂθÌÓÒÚ¸˛ Á‚Û˜‡ÌËfl ·ÓΠ90 Ïëìûú ËӉ ʇÌË· ‡˘ÂÌËÂ Ò Í‡ÒÒÂÚ‡ÏË „ÓÎӂ͇õ χ„ÌËÚÓÙÓ̇ËÒÓ‰ËÌÂÌËÂÔ ‰ÌÂÈÔ‡ÌÂÎË ËÌflÚË ËËÒÓ‰ËÌÂÌË Ô ‰ÌÂÈ Ô‡ÌÂÎË ËÌflÚË Ô ‰ÌÂÈ Ô‡ÌÂÎËÇÍβ˜ËÚ ‡ÔÔ‡ ‡Ú ̇ʇÚËÂÏ Íìóôíë ÌÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ ‚ Âïâìë ̇ ˜‡Ò‡õ˚ÒÚ ‡fl Ô ÂÏÓÚ͇ Î Â Ì Ú ˚ ÈÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌËÂÓÒÎۯ˂‡ÌË χ„ÌËÚÌ˚õ Á‡ÔËÒÂÈ ÀÁ‚ΘÂÌË ͇ÒÒÂÚ˚‚ÚÓχÚ˘ÂÒÍÓ ‡ÔÓÏË̇ÌË ËÂÏ ‡‰ËÓÔ‰‡˜ËÂχ‰ËÓÔ ‰‡˜ Ôûúâï „ÛÎË Ó‚ÍËÈÓ‰ÒÚÓÈ͇ ‡ ‡ÏÂÚ Ó‚ Á‚Û˜‡ÌËfl ˜Ë ÙÛÌ͈ËË‚Ó‰ ‚ Ô‡ÏflÚ¸ ÚÓθÍÓ ÌÛÊÌ˚õ Ç‡Ï Òڇ̈ËÈ ËÂÏ ‚‚‰ÂÌÌ˚õ ‚ ‡ÏflÚ¸ ‡‰ËÓÒڇ̈ËȉÓÓÊÂÍ ÈÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌË ÏÌÓ„ÓÁ‡ fl‰Ì˚ϘËÒÚ͇ ÍÓÌÚ‡ÍÚÓ‚ ÌõÓ‰ Á‡ ‡ÔÔ‡ ‡ÚÓÏÑÂÏÓÌÚ‡Ê ‡ÔÔ‡ ‡Ú‡ ËÏÂ̇ Ô·‚ÍËõ Ô Â‰Óõ ‡ÌËÚÂÎÂȇÒÔÓÎÓÊÂÌË Íìóôóí ‡‰ËÓÔ Ëâïìëí ì ä Ç ÍÂõÌ˘ÂÒÍË õ‡ ‡ÍÚ Ëòúëíë‡ÒÒÂÚÌ˚È Ôîâèâ ·˘Ë õ‡ ‡ÍÚ Ëòúëíë ÌÒËÎËÚÂθ ÏÓ˘ÌÓÒÚËËÂχ‰ËÓÔ ‰‡˜ ÈÓËÒÍ Ë ÛÒÚ ‡ÌÂÌË ÌÂÔÓ·‰ÓÍ· ˘   Çóòô ÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌË χ„ÌËÚÌ˚õ Á‡ÔËÒÂÈÍÓÏÔ‡ÍÚ-‰ËÒÍÓ‚ ÌÂ„Ó ÍÓÏÔ‡ÍÚ-‰ËÒÍË ÑëòôîâèÓË„ ˚‚‡ÚÂθ Ì ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌ ‡„‡ÁËÌ Ò ÍÓÏÔ‡ÍÚ-‰ËÒ͇ÏË